MovieChat Forums > The Perfect Family (2011) Discussion > More bigotry from American film makers

More bigotry from American film makers

Look like another typical biased and bigoted film against Christians.

But thats OK, because being a bigot towards Catholics and Christians is acceptable in Hollywood and the film industry.

It amazes me how film makers can fight for gay rights on one hand, and then be complete bigots to another group of people on the other.


So, where did you see the film?


Haha, a Christian calling someone else a bigot...Pot, meet kettle....


So disagreeing with opinions makes one a bigot? Haha.


real deep observation.


In 1986, when AIDS epidemic was becoming full blown, only place a gay person or anyone else with Aids could get treated in New York City were Catholic hospitals. Only funeral homes willing to handle bodies--Catholic. Christian churches have done more for minorities and gays than anyone else. How does this make them bigots?


You are so FOS. Been ODing on that Bish Club Kool-Aid, haven't you?


ummm think you are missing the point of this MOVIE.... its a story ... Kathleen turner is an ACTRESS ... shes not a real person.... i like how you use the terms : CHRISTIANS AND BIGOTS in the same sentence.... hmmmmmmmm . well CHRISTIANS fight AGAISNT gay marriage and ANYTHING not of the thier believes.. so HOLLYWOOD makes movies...btw the pastor comes out as a homosexual in the end ...just saying ...


Bigotry is very loosely defined in today's world. Christians, extremists excluded, aren't saying gays should be imprisoned, they just say that they do not believe gay marriage is ok. In the exact same way, Gays say that homophobia is not ok. Both sides disagree with the other's worldview. That doesn't make anyone a bigot, that makes everyone human.
Hollywood has never really held Christianity in high regard. Hollywood is full of creative people that think very differently than Christians. That's just how it is. Hollywood is always pushing the envelope and trying to see what societal attitudes it can change. Hollywood has no open space for traditional values. That's just how it is.
I'd encourage liberals to not be so ignorant as to believe Hollywood does not like Christians. I'd also encourage Christians to not be dumb enough to think that Hollywood will ever be on their side.

When will Hollywood make a movie about a college professor or film actor that has a really conservative kid and that kid wants to be a pastor at an evangelical church? Would such tolerance be shown to that kid by his parents?


Well, I'm waiting for the Hollywood movie about the Muslim dad who kills his daughter for falling in love with a Jewish boy,,,,,,don't hold your breath.
Hollywood has no balls. BTW, if this movie were about a Muslilm woman who thinks her daugher is going to Hell for being a lesbian, well, that would be about 99% of Muslims,,,,Ms Turner was on TV this morning and admitted that she knew nothing of Cahtolic doctrine and had to study up on it. I will go see the movie, but I already know it's just a hack job.


Hollywood will never make a movie about a Muslim woman who thinks her daughter is going to hell for being a lesbian. Hollywood is afraid of Muslims because Muslims will kill anyone who makes a movie like that. Catholics/Christians won't kill Hollywood producers/actors so that is why Hollywood keeps making fun of them. It's so old. It's not edgy anymore. It's not brave anymore. Hollywood, start making movies about Muslims and their beliefs or Orthodox Jews and their beliefs - now THAT would be brave and edgy.


Exactly. It has been true so long I am sick of it.


They are not afraid of Muslims. They may not be strictly Hollywood (which FYI neither is The Perfect Family) but only recently there's been two movies about Muslim mothers and families condemning their daughters for being lesbians. And making the Muslim religion look bad. One of them is an American indie just like this movie is, it's called Three Veils. And unlike this movie it doesn't end well, the mother doesn't become reconciled to her daughter being gay she forces her to surpress it. The non-American movie is called Circumstance and again it doesn't end well. Both are 10 times harsher about religion than this film.

This movie is not bigoted to Christians at all. It actually showed some Christians can be openminded. Father Jobe was a Catholic priest and he happily married the lesbian couple, Richard Chamberlain's priest character didn't condemn the daughter when he found out about her. Neither did the bishop. The truth is alot of Christians are bigoted to gay people, and intolerant of others. That can't be denied and I don't see why those narrowminded people should escape having a mirror held up to their faces. In the end it sent as much a good message out about Christians as it did a bad. It showed not all are narrowminded, and some can be loving to all. As for the rest, who gives a crap about them, not me. Considering I've faced persecution off them simply for who I am. About time they got some hometruths revealed. OP you are overreacting, movies make everyone in society look less than perfect at one point or another, religion has no right to be exempt. I'm tired of religions crying foul when they get a taste of their own medicine, it's only fair. This is not an offensive film and if you are offended then you're deliberately misreading it because you don't like the content.

I'd die for you. I love you. I love you so much it's killing me.


I usually find the people concerned most about bigotry towards religion are usually the most bigoted about themselves, and don't like their failings portrayed in a negative light. They're too similar to the subject in the movie, but instead of considering their own behaviors they just get mad and start yelling about everyone else being the ones who are wrong.

I still believe that peace and plenty and happiness can be worked out some way. I am a fool.


They're afraid of Muslims. That's practically a fact.


Christians may not kill Hollywood producers, but they would kill doctors who perform abortions. They would also organize a terrorist attack in Oslo in opposition to Islam.


On such a small scale, it's irrational and desperate comparison. Two doctors killed, one attack in Europe?


Hollywood will never make a movie about a Muslim woman who thinks her daughter is going to hell for being a lesbian. Hollywood is afraid of Muslims because Muslims will kill anyone who makes a movie like that. Catholics/Christians won't kill Hollywood producers/actors so that is why Hollywood keeps making fun of them. It's so old. It's not edgy anymore. It's not brave anymore. Hollywood, start making movies about Muslims and their beliefs or Orthodox Jews and their beliefs - now THAT would be brave and edgy.
True. They're scared of Muslims.


Let me guess, the Christians here that hate this movie are not Catholic.
The Pope is no friend of mine, but I have always given the Catholics credit for having some sense of humor, more so than the Protestants. So relax and enjoy this movie. If you are offended, maybe you should re-evaluate your Christian values a bit. As for us atheists, to show a bit of compassion will do us no harm.


"Christians, extremists excluded, aren't saying gays should be imprisoned, they just say that they do not believe gay marriage is ok. In the exact same way, Gays say that homophobia is not ok."

lol what a way to compare things.

let's have a look at the two things which "are not ok" for the opposite sides of the story

gay marriage: marriage of same-sex couples (can you see any kind of hatred?)
homophobia: hatred towards homosexuals and others who arent heterosexual

you know what? i love peace.

but there's a guy i know, he loves war.

we both "love" something. there's not much difference between us.


Exactly. That comparison is absolutely ridiculous.


Don't worry about what Hollywood does. Worry about how you, an individual, discern between what is right and wrong. Worry about choosing the most loving path. If you don't like a movie, don't watch it.



I managed 15 minutes. I'd call it more condescending than outright bigoted. THe Catholics are not the mustache twisting evil people that you see in horror or scifi movies. They are more just a pack of naive dumbasses who need to be saved by secular progressives. Still that's unusual for LMN, was this a made for tv movie?


Who exactly do you think is waging hated against Christians in Hollywood?

- Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.

