
What does it even have to do with "Genesis"? I expected an explanation or something that would be a prequel to the first excellent [REC]. But no. Nothing except the reflection of the "zombies".

Can you gimme your point of view please?


This is yet another reason this movie sucks. It wasn't even true to its title.



Thank you, I think we know already, Even in the biblical way what does it have to do with genesis? It's not like they were the first "zombies".

Genesis would mean the very beginning of something, and it's not the case at all in this movie. It's the beginning of nothing, it could be a sequel, not a genesis.That's why I asked what you people think of it. Cause it doesn't make sense.


I was hoping for a prequel myself and I know it is not true to the title but it is a good movie. This movie is just a side story.

Too much bureaucracy impedes practical thought

