MovieChat Forums > [Rec]³: Génesis (2012) Discussion > Infected? (MAJOR SPOILERS)



Ok so towards the end Clara got bit by the old guy with the hearing aid. But I mean, her hubby cut her arm off to prevent the spread. Shouldn't that of stopped the infection? Did i miss something or?

Also wanted to say. I liked this movie for what it was. I realize there is a lot of hate because of the first 2 [REC]'s and obviously this one was very different. I just still liked it....except at the end, i balled like a baby, maybe because my own wedding is coming up and i couldn't imagine going through that with my husband, lol. So sad!


Maybe he didn't chop off her arm in time. It looked like it took way too long for him to do it. Either that or it's just not effective. The virus is too fast.

I wasn't crazy about that ending. I would at least like an alt ending where the two of them get away.


Thanks for the reply!

Yes I agree it did take freakishly way too long to chop her arm off. I don't blame him though, but still if you didn't want her to be infected he should've acted more quickly! However we never know how any of us would react if we were in that situation.

YES that would've been lovely, to see them get away. It was kind of just too tragic for me. They were such a cute couple too! Makes me sad.


Didn't he stab a zombie with the sword before he voted off her arm? The infected zombie blood and whatnot was still on the sword when he cut her arm off. So she would have still been infected.


Oops *chopped* not voted. >.< I'm on my phone Swype text autocorrect. Lol!


Notice that the virus reaches the point where he pointed at right before cutting. Also, remember that this isn't a disease but a demonic possession. Maybe the "rules" are different.


He took too long and the virus spread too fast.

In the version of the movie that I watched, as Koldo lined up his cut by setting the sword on Clara's arm, I could already see a blurry reflection of the Medeiros girl in the blade. She was already showing signs of the demonic infection, even then.


I see no reason why they couldn't get married still and live a long happy life together
