worst of the series

It's in the same vein as Rec 3 but at least that had charm. SPOILERS! What was the point of having Angela infected/uninfected. I didn't care about any of the characters.
It was just cheap and had no soul at all.
Am I alone in thinking this? This was one I was looking forward to:(


Stopped watching it after half an hour or so. The movie was boring. I mean, the original REC had charme and it was a fresh idea. I watched it serveral times. But REC 4... what a w(REC)k!


I used to like REC movies. It was an European, less stylized Resident Evil.

I was looking forward to this a few years ago, when it was first announced.

However, 20 minutes into the movie and I'm bored. I don't know if I've outgrown this type of flick or if it is simply not a good movie but it feels like a waste of time.


Resident Evil are European films...


ive tried watching this four times this week. cannot get into it. at least with part 3 i sat through it the first time. story was boring, characters were boring, even angela was boring. it doesnt seem like the origins of this was well thought out. started great in 1 & 2 then went in a different direction. total mess.


Agreed. I love these kinda films....man,I even like *beep* films like Troll 2 but this one had no heart.It was just boring. So you've got the engine for the lifeboat...maximum gore/blood/carnage potential like the Dead Alive lawnmower scene eh? And what do they do...they kill 2 zombies and about 6 crappy looking CGI monkeys!


Agreed, massive disappointment


I really enjoyed part 4. It was fast, exciting and came full circle. It's not better than the first part but it's 100% better than part 3 and slightly better than 2 in my opinion.


I totally agree with that, after Rec this is my favorite of the series. But even Rec3, as bad as it was, it's a decent horror movie, well done and fun to watch.


My thoughts exactly, but I give the slight edge to REC 2 because I liked the multiple storylines.


I think this was the best of Rec series.


Actually... on thinking more about it... I agree, 4 was the weakest. Not that I think Rec really needed to be a franchise... because that alone weakens the impact of the original... but 4 did really kind of let the air out of the bag by continuing the 'worm' angle set up by 2 (bad move there) and completely ignoring the 'demonic' aspects of the infection previously shown. Otherwise why couldn't someone get on the ship's intercom and read out bible verses to the possessed like they did in number 3?
I don't want more action-horror with Angela as the action heroine... really I wished she'd stayed gone after the first one.


Agreed. Read a sermon and evacuate!


but 4 did really kind of let the air out of the bag by continuing the 'worm' angle set up by 2 (bad move there) and completely ignoring the 'demonic' aspects of the infection previously shown.
The worm was an interesting take on demonic possession, as was the whole "virus" idea. After all, how does demonic possession work? Is it just incorporeal evil spirits drifting around hopping into bodies (as it's usually depicted)? Or would a demon have to take on a biological form (like a parasitic worm or a virus) to operate on the earthly plane, and literally enter your body in the physical sense to possess you? Let's not be complaining because the franchise took a (very) well-worn concept and actually did something different with it.

Otherwise why couldn't someone get on the ship's intercom and read out bible verses to the possessed like they did in number 3?
That was a weakness, and didn't line up with the two previous films. Throughout REC 2 Owen was in radio communication with his superiors, presumably some kind of secret organization or task force run by the Church. We see Angela using Owen's radio to call for extraction at the end of that film, so it's safe to assume that the soldiers who entered the building and set the charges at the start of this film worked for the same outfit. It therefore follows that the doctors and soldiers on the ship are the same group, or at least also work for the Church.

So yeah, the fact they spend the whole film treating the thing like a natural virus and not using scripture and religious symbols against it (like Owen did) is inconsistent.


I just didn't find the 'worm' thing to be any more frightening than what was implied in the first movie. I can see how it worked for the people making the movie... giving them a 'villain' of sorts, but that's about it.
Also, it's not all that 'different'... there are plenty of horror films that feature some sort of creature getting into people and altering their behavior. Cronenberg's first movie was about exactly that... also The Hidden, at least one of the Friday The 13th movies, etc.


there are plenty of horror films that feature some sort of creature getting into people and altering their behavior. Cronenberg's first movie was about exactly that... also The Hidden, at least one of the Friday The 13th movies, etc.
True. And The Hidden is one of those films that really should be more famous than it is, not so much for the well-worn idea as for the writing and general production quality, Kyle Maclachlan's fish-out-of-water performance as the alien hero (the running gag with the aspirin and alka-seltzer still brings a smile to my face) and the idea of the evil alien being nothing more than a sociopathic criminal on a crime spree. It was the first movie of that premise that I saw as a kid, and holds up nearly thirty years later (the scene where the parasite first crawls out of its victim's mouth to take a new host still works remarkably well for something that was done with puppets in 1987).

Shame about the sequel, though.

But the point isn't whether "body-possessing alien parasites" are an original concept. It's that demonic possession - which, as I said, is usually portrayed as incorporeal spirits hopping into hapless humans - is combined with that concept to give a different explanation, and one that makes a lot more sense. Because really, how would a demonic entity exist in the physical world without a physical presence of its own? What's it made of, how does it get around between bodies, and how does it physically interface with its host? The alien parasite is old hat for sci-fi films, but the notion that a demon or malevolent spirit would first have to be "born" or hatched in a physical form (like a parasite) before it could start possessing humans is something most supernatural films haven't really played around with before.


Did we all watch the same movie?

REC 3 was definitely the worst. The characters, plot, setting, and overall style was putrid. Horribly uninteresting and cliché.

I was expecting the same with this other than enjoying the fact Manuela Velasco was back. But I thought it was quite good. I liked the setting, the style was visually much more appealing, the new characters (despite having questionable motives and decisions) were actually not bad especially Nick. Soundtrack was great. The story was well put together (again putting aside some ridiculous contrived decisions they made).

Definitely not scary like the first two, those are more effective horror films solely because of the Found Footage style. This was more of an Action/Adventure film. I like to this of this as the Aliens to the Alien that was REC 1/2 (with REC 3 being the bastard child Alien 3...no wait, I take that back, this was more akin to the AVP movies).

I actually hope they make a REC 5 with Angela and Nick back. Totally would look forward to it.

Stuff like this reminds me of "Movie Poop Shoot.com" from Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back.


They already made a Rec 5....it's called Pirahna 3D;)



Stuff like this reminds me of "Movie Poop Shoot.com" from Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back.


I liked this , I agree with Jimmy. 3 was the worse piece of garbage ever, running around in armour, that spongebob character and the whole reading versus thing was just bs. At least this went back to the feel of the original 2 not as scary but well worth it imo.


The 3rd was the worst. I couldn't even finish it. This one was still garbage for a supposed ending for this series though. First 2 were great and I even put them in my top 10 horror films.

But yeah, the guy that wrote and directed these obviously doesn't read nor care what fans loved about the first two, to even make a third the way they did as well as ending up with one that wasn't apocalyptic in the least. Many questions still remain which really should have been answered by now.

I always supported 1 and 2 and bragged about how good they were. I won't anymore considering how in the end, it's all a waste of time for such a terrific start.


I probably like part 3 more than I should because the lead girl in it is lovely.
Like you say tho...it was hardly an Apocalypse!


Why can't you recommend 1&2 any more? Surely, those are still the same films. I don't think part 2 necessarily ever needed a sequel.
