MovieChat Forums > Million Dollar Arm (2014) Discussion > In the true story, they weren't Cricket ...

In the true story, they weren't Cricket players.

Rinku Singh and Dinesh Patel were Javelin throwers rather than fast bowlers.

PS: They choose India to search for fast bowlers. Ohhh Hollywood. I can never fanthom thy ignorance.


Yeah, I guess you missed the part where Singh did in fact play cricket


EVERYONE in India plays cricket when they are young!! That doesn't make them 'cricket players'.

I guess you will agree that they have to at least play in any formal competitive game to call themselves as cricketers.


Everyone, really? It's a country of over 1 billion people and everyone has played huh. Just because he was a javelin champion at the time doesn't mean he wasn't still playing cricket btw.


Just believe me when I say "everybody in India plays cricket."


Yep, Everyone Plays Cricket in India.


"Everyone does...." is an expression to emphasize how common something is. It's not meant to be taken literally, but I'm sure you know that. It's mean to show that it is EXTREMELY common.

"Everyone in the US grows up watching cartoons". Does that mean 100% of all kids? No! But you can bet it's a very very high %.


EVERYONE in India plays cricket when they are young!! That doesn't make them 'cricket players'

True. I'm an older (okay, old) woman and have played the game of baseball/softball a few times in my life. That doesn't make me a baseball player.


Playing cricket as a child don't make you a cricket player. I played cricket in school sports as a child and I am definitely not a cricketer. Cricket is the most popular sport in India and if you can reach the upper echelons of the sport you can make millions in a career, especially now with the very lucrative 20/20 version of the game.

If Singh was a professional javelin thrower it means he either did not like cricket enough, or was not good enough to pursue it as it is a much more lucrative sport than javelin throwing. The reasoning of going for cricket players are weird as the bowling action has very little in common with the pitching action.

If you used pitching mechanics in cricket you would be fined out of the sport and referee's like Darrell Hair would have no-balled you out of the game for chucking instead of bowling the ball. If you don't understand this paragraph then you don't know enough about cricket to really contribute to this topic.

Having said all of this. They do show in the movie that these guys were not cricket players so the whole point is moot.


I played baseball as a child, but I was never a baseball player. I was a basketball player.

Before we get started, does anyone want to get out?


They're actually not cricket players in the movie. Hamm's character thinks they are for much of it, though.


Their population is currently around 1.2 billion. It will probably become the world's my populated country by the mid-point of this century.


I dont think india has over 1 billion people

Yes, unfortunately, it does. In fact, 1.2 billion and counting...

"Fear not for the future; weep not for the past." -- Percy Bysshe Shelley


You need to see the movie (saw it last night at a 'see it first' event), as it is addressed they were not cricket players and that they did not like the game of cricket.
Therefore, you might want to rethink calling Hollywood ignorant on this one.


...and that they did not like the game of cricket.

That right there is a major plot hole because there is NO ONE in India who does not like cricket!

Mr McGee, don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry!


That right there is a major plot hole because there is NO ONE in India who does not like cricket!

Also addressed in the movie. Just watch it.

Otterprods, to keep those aquatic Mustelidae in line.


In the movie, they aren't cricket players either. It's kind of a major plot point.


I love that half of the board for this movie is people assuming they film makers were racist fools, and almost every complaint is explained perfectly IF YOU BOTHER TO WATCH THE MOVIE


Did the OP crawl into a hole yet?


I can never 'fanthom' someone's ignorance. I can fathom it, however. Oh, and protip: WATCH a movie before proceeding to rip on it.


Well, I dont blame you for not getting what I was trying to say. India is known for its *beep* terrible fast bowlers in cricket.

And I agree I have been a bit harsh without seeing the whole movie. But I put up this comment (a month back) when I saw a lot of comparisons with Baseballers and Cricketers. And all the publicity was how they got cricketers to play baseball.

But then again, ITS the INTERNET. I am a douchebag here. Deal with it..


Douchebag ;) I think people are being a tad harsh on the OP as the trailers for the movie (all most of us have had the opportunity to see) are misleading. He also does have a point about choice of country :P Most of the comments on here appear to be from Indians, so people who know well enough that their country is hardly the first port of call if you want fast bowlers - I'd head for South Africa where there are so many insanely good fast bowlers that most of them never get the opportunity to take it to the highest level :)

Still chuckling at the OP's "It's the internet. I'm a douchebag here" comment, what a great way to kill the thread, top marks to despod :D

Hiding at
