MovieChat Forums > Scalene (2011) Discussion > Why is this movie called Scalene?

Why is this movie called Scalene?

Is it a name, etc?


It's is told in three parts from three different character's points-of-view. Scalene is what you call a triangle with three different sides or angles.


Wow. Okay, thank you. :).


Of course, all triangles have three sides, so I wonder about the implication of a scalene triangle, where no sides are equal and all of the angles are of different degrees. The obtuse angle (more than 90 degrees) would apparently be the mother, as most of the movie would seem to be from her point of view. Or is the son the obtuse angle, as synonymous with obtuse is dim-witted or slow? So is the title literal or figurative? This flick is Psycho (to which which Scalene is obviously an homage)in reverse. In one, we assume the mother is the crazy one only to find out it's her son, in the other the son is the predator until we find out it's the mother who's willing to kill to get her way.


I like your comments, but I just have to correct the geometry here...a scalene triangle does not necessarily contain an obtuse angle. For example, a triangle with angles of 59, 60 and 61 degrees is scalene.


I think the implicit use of "Scalene" and not just any word for a triangle is just because the three points-of-view aren't equal - both literally in length of time spent with them (length of the side), and figuratively in that all three characters see the situation differently (degrees of the angles) - they are each seeing the situation from a different angle.

I'm assuming the son represents the smallest angle of the triangle since we spend the least amount of time with him and he is incapable of providing much context to the situation. The mother should represent the largest angle since we spend the most amount of time with her and she is the one who essentially caused the situation in the first place and will go to the most extreme lengths. Paige is caught in the middle.


Thanks so much .. Answered my question too 😃


There are three pairs of muscles in the neck called the Scalene muscles. Could the title also possibly relate to one of the characters in the film breaking her or her neck, possibly in a fall of some sort?


What do you mean "etc"? You asked a very straightforward and simple question.


Why do you question such a trivial thing?

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