How to train your dragon 3

I guess we all know that we are going to see another night fury. And most probably a female one.


I think Toothless' mom and dad, and one will be killed by some human, which will cause some kind of vengeance.

They call him the matador;He settles all the scores;He kills in plain sight;With a blade and a smile


What's going on with sentence structure here? Yes, there will probably be Night Furies in the third movie. They've been hinting at the dragons (disappearing) and quite frankly it's annoying the crap out of me. I've been a loyal fan, I want a family of diverse, interesting Night Furies that are led by Drago or something and I want them to take one look at Toothless and beat Hiccup to a pulp for letting him turn into a pansy. Except at the end, Toothless is a wimp.


I want a family of diverse, interesting Night Furies that are led by Drago or something and I want them to take one look at Toothless and beat Hiccup to a pulp for letting him turn into a pansy. Except at the end, Toothless is a wimp.
I don't like your vision at all.


I don't either.


calling toothless a wimp after he lords it over an alpha dragon and re unites all the dragons ?

wow dude just wow.


They've been hinting at the dragons (disappearing) and quite frankly it's annoying the crap out of me

I'm wondering if I even want to see the third one because, as you say, they intend to provide "an explanation" as to why there aren't dragons flying around anymore. Which to me sounds like it's really likely that by the end of the film franchise, their gonna kill toothless off. Which, to me, would just be heartbreaking and unbearable to watch.

If we're lucky then maybe it'll just be some kind of plot development that will simply prevent dragons from procreating, but Toothless and Hiccup will still get to live out their lives together, but I don't like our odds of us being that fortunate.

I don't know why they have to go down that road, trying to explain why we don't have dragons in our world because HTTYD clearly takes place in an alternate universe. If there had been dragons in our past in this world, there would be archeological evidence of it! Somebody would've found dragon bones somewhere.

So why can't they just let the franchise run forward with the assumption that Hiccup and Astrid's children, and their children and their children will all enjoy a life of dragon-riding excitement just like their ancestors did?

Following this saga just to end it all on a sour note is just wrong.

"Feeling Stupid? I know I am!" - Homer J. Simpson


This sort of ending is planned because that's how Cowell plans to end the books. When the final book comes out, we might have an idea of how it ends in the movies.

I would personally be fine with a bitter-sweet ending. The series is quite emotional to start with, so ending it that way (and doing it right, without making fans feel jeopardised and empty by the end of it) would be perfect.


I'm with you Camel--if they kill Toothless, and dragons are all gone because they died off, I won't be seeing it. They should just let them live on in an alternate universe. Seriously, Stoic dying, and Hiccup pushing Toothless away for all of a minute of the movie was hard enough. I couldn't deal with Toothless dying. I really and truly couldn't. Could not see that movie. Ever.


The dragons don't necessarily have to all die, maybe we find out that they only live around wherever Berk is and are never discovered by the outside world. It doesn't have to be a downer ending.


I guess we all know that we are going to see another night fury. And most probably a female one.
Really? I didn't know that! I'm excited now!


As long as it's not a love interest.


And then even beyond that, they poked and prodded at the mystery of why there is only one Night Fury from Dragon Island (and apparently the entire archipelago that Berk and Dragon Island exist in) throughout the course of the two seasons. I still wonder if they're gonna pick up on the rivalry between Toothless and that one Whispering Death dragon from Season 1, hopefully in the third season that's premiering on Netflix.

Regardless of how "canon" the TV show may or may not be, the writers were definitely informed by Dean DuBlois of certain story points they absolutely weren't allowed to touch or resolve, plus those they could dance around but not tackle head on. The avoidance of Night Fury revelations has me sure that the third and final film will tell us what happened to the species.


I hope we get to see a long haired hiccup w/ beard and moustache and w/ a less sarcastic voice.


I want to see more Hiccup and Astrid relationship. 2nd movie showed us they are dating and they kissed couple of times. If you say you are in relationship you have to show-it up (showing more).

English is not my native language.
