STC SO Underrated

Spencer Treat Clark is one of the most underrated young actors of this generation. He makes such wise film decisions and preforms phenomenally in each of them. There is such a quiet intelligence and vulnerability about his characters, making them so relatable. Hopefully someday down the road he'll get the accolades he most definitely deserves. Especially in the age where Lindsay Lohan, Kristen Stewart, and Megan Fox are considered "actors".

<3 RENNER <3


he is indeed underrated...most young actors with actual talents are.

now as much as i'm happy about his the kind of movies he chooses, i am hoping that he will involve in a big budget movie..just so that people will pay more attention to his talents the way he deserve. works for logan lerman.

i'm tired of my friends asking 'who is this hottie?' everytime they see spencer.
seriously, he's been acting for a long time now. and he's so good.


It also seems like spencer likes muffins so much he hearts them
