Anyone else disappointed?

I'm a huge fan of the movie (and book) 'The Perks of being a wallflower' and I was told by numerous people this was similar and a 'great movie'.
When I finished the movie I felt like it was a huge let down. I expected a layered, relatable main character but instead he just bugged me. I expected a wonderful, unique and painfully true story and I got a run of the mill teen love story.
Maybe it was my fault for going into it assuming it would be similar and as good as Perks but I just think this movie was a huge disappointment.
I can't be the only one?


I liked both, actually. I saw "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" first. I think they are what they are, and although they had similarities, they weren't meant to be just alike, & they were each good in different ways, if that makes sense.


You are never the only one.

Personally i liked this film much more, it managed to make me connect, which rarely happens anymore.

19 out of 20 movies i find myself wanting to fast forward over scenes, and this also happened on Perks.


I've read 'The perks of being a wallflower' and for me this film was a totally different beast. I enjoyed the book and must catch the film some time but apart from being about people of a certain age I think it's a bit of a stretch to think them similar. Did enjoy this film though.


The most irritating protagonist in a long, long time!

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"



I think it's as good if not a notch better than PERKS, not made my mind up just yet as I've seen this one twice and PERKS but once.

A good father and a good outlaw can't settle inside the same man.
