MovieChat Forums > Air (2023) Discussion > What about the child slave workers in Ni...

What about the child slave workers in Nike sweatshops?

What a BS shoe ad that H.Wood is putting out.
And how hypocritical of them in where they claim to be getting more woke but don't give a damn at all about the child and adult slave workers in Nike sweatshops.

Boycott Nike and this movie.
Just do it.


You'll never hear about it. Damon and Affleck are obviously as okay with slave labor as LeBron, Michael Jordan and all of them.


The hypocritical irony of black athlete ancestors who are making millions off of the backs of those slaves.


Kind of like the freed slaves from America who decided to go back to Africa (Liberia) and promptly went about enslaving the local population to work on the plantations and farms they started.


Google: Nike's sweatshop scandal was major news in the '90s! Before you were born?


Whats your point?
The situation is still the same.

And its not just Nike. Apple is another big player , as well as thousands of other companies.

Ultimately we are all to blame for buying the products of this exploitation


Anything you buy from China is most likely made under at best, dubious working conditions. So unless you’re buying strictly American or wherever you’re from, made (in a country which regulates working environments chill with the preaching).
You do have a point by the way, and no one is going to argue that Nike has done a piss poor job of ensuring it’s workers have not been exploited to the fullest, but that’s a separate story unto itself and one that I hope is told with the conviction it deserves, but this is a film about pop culture, fashion and Michael Jordan, and it is also a story worthy of being told.


I would buy American but it is getting near impossible to do so for all the products I may want or need when the thing at the store or online is only made in China.

We (USA) has a very strange relationship with China.
Trump was at war over them with tariffs and then Biden goes to war with them over balloons and their support of a Russian/Ukraine peace deal and in the meantime we keep giving them our jobs and getting their cheap stuff in return for sale.
They could invade us, we could push them back and we will still keep buying their stuff in stores.
What would it take for us to 100% make and buy in America?

It is hypocritical for Colin to take a knee for black injustice in America than turn around and accept a multi million dollar deal from Nike whose shoes and merch. is made in sweatshops by slave laborers.

I don't see how this story is worth being told unless we get all the truth about it, which we won't.
Crazy at how quality and Oscar worthy Damon and Affleck seemed with GWH but when they team up again they give us this crap instead.


even the terrific tandem duo of B. Affleck and M. Damon can't save this movie from the tried and true stereotype of;



These actors are playing the roles of real people who actually exist(ed). They are only heros to the people whose jobs they more than likely saved in the basketball division at Nike.


the trailer portrays matt damon as a hero to NBA allstar michael jordan and his family


I didn't pick that up from the trailer I watched. But, I watched it after I saw the movie, where I didn't get the feeling Nike had anything to do with Jordan's rise. He did all that with his talent alone, IMO. The division was just excited that he hired them after a great deal of wooing on their parts. They were the underdogs, and he saved them, not the other way around. 🙂


'Woke' is for Americans. No one cares what happens to anyone outside of its borders, which is why the so-called 'woke' are perfectly fine with Obama increasing the use of drones in foreign territories.

Americans, right-wing *and* 'woke', only care about themselves.


But America is the most important country in the world. What we do set the tone for the world. We are the future. America is the elite.


What about them?
