MovieChat Forums > America: The Story of Us (2010) Discussion > The American Revolution was about.....

The American Revolution was about.....

"Win, win, win, and fight the oppressor." -Tim Gunn, fashion consultant.

Wow, thanks History Channel I feel smarter already!


And the kicker of it is, if one looks deeper than US history textbooks, one will find that Britain didn't know how deep colonist dissatisfaction was. The colonial liason, Benjamin Franklin, was enjoying living in London and attending functions held by King George III and was afraid that if he expressed how upset the colonists were, he may be sent back to the new world. It wasn't until the Tea Party that GB realized how unstable things were. Taxes here were a fraction of what they were in GB, the colonists enjoyed all the benefits of being thousands of miles from their mother country yet still having the protection of the strongest military force in the world. Strange how certain things are represented.

This is Fleet Command.


Britain knew before the Tea Party that colonists were not happy. I would argue that it started with the Stamp Act. Britain knew this, but figured that there was nothing that the colonists could do about it. That is about the time that Samuel Adams and all his "buddies" took charge of what they thought was right. I have been arguing for a while now that I think that the Revolutionary War should have been fought several years later, but I will save that for another day. I think it was more that the colonists left Britain to avoid opression and control by King George III and when they got to America, they were going through the same things as before, just on a smaller scale.


that stupid gay fashion guy is a badass.
