MovieChat Forums > Terra Nova (2011) Discussion > Despite all the haters, there are lovers...

Despite all the haters, there are lovers too

So why don't they cut the extravagant budget and bring back season 2? Surely they can produce a second season on a reasonable budget and give viewers what they want to see. Sci-Fi channel does it all the time. While they make horrible cheesy films/shows and still get plenty of viewership to keep going on in the industry. Let's face it, Terra Nova was definitely better than most of those shows.


I agree, it's not the best show but I took as a weekly Saturday morning land of the lost episode weekly which is why I loved it plus for some reason it reminded me of firefly which I love! Wish metflix or sifi would pick.


Don't compare this to firefly. They aren't even similar. Firefly was good and Terra Nova sucked. On completely different ends of the spectrum


I can see where he's coming from, especially in the episode with the memory loss disease. All I could think about that episode was how much it reminded me of an episode of Firefly.

Firefly clearly had better writing, though.


I totally agree & it really sucks. If it weren't for 2nd seasons a lot of series could never smooth out the wrinkles......


I totally agree & it really sucks. If it weren't for 2nd seasons a lot of series could never smooth out the wrinkles......

Those weren't wrinkles, they were potholes. This series showed no promise, it was tired and lazy before it had even started moving.


It wasn't the production values that let it down, it was the writing. Tired old storylines, cheap and transparent attempts at mystery, cheesy dialogue, plotholes, and small-minded characters will not benefit from a lack of distracting CGI sparkle.


Wow, tell me how you really feel about it.. haha . I gotta disagree. I thought it was a good show. There are definitely bad series out there, like Revolution, that I feel fit what you describe. Terra Nova had its flaws but I just didn't think it was as bad as you say.


I agree. And it still bothers me that Terra Nova was cancelled. I thought it was a fun show. I would like to have it back.



It seems to me that the the more hardcore sci-fi fans hated this show and the reality show watching members of society loved it.

Why Fox would try to make a two in one type show in the first place is beyond me, if this was a pure action/adventure sci-fi show it would have been a huge sccess imo.


I very much dislike reality TV, but I enjoyed Terra Nova. I don't know how hardcore of a sci-fi fan I am though. I like the genre, but only when it is about more than pure sci-fi. I like a continuing story with characters that develop. Not every genre series has that.

But I agree if the series was more action oriented and episodic I think it would have rated better. Maybe not much better, but a little better.


I am a life-long hardcore science fiction fan and I still liked Terra Nova very much. Yes, it was riddled with science errors that offended some in the science fiction fan community. But it had a good structure in place and I really feel that given a chance, Terra Nova would have improved greatly in a second season. By the end of season one, the stories were heating up and had impressed me.

Younger people may not recall this, but there were many science fiction shows that had a poor or slow first, and even second season, before they became a hit, or were considered successful. "STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION" and "BABYLON 5" come to mind as examples of this. I will give a science fiction show a chance unless it is just complete and total crap, or offends me. You have to give a show like this time to grow into something that is more than the sum of its parts.


TV networks nowadays have the leash to short on new shows. Most shows won't automatic hits in the first season(The Walking Dead and Once Upon A Time are some of the others). If the budget was that worrisome, they could have easily moved it closer. If it was the writers then hire new ones, just don't stop the show.

Half-Blood #18 and Son of Poseidon, Son of Adam, Gryffindor 7th year


PLUS the second season would be a lot cheaper regardless unless FOX has torn it all down out of spite since the sets would still be there though new props would have to be aquired!

So a second season would be cheaper and possible yes....But tell that to FOX!


Despite all the haters, there are lovers too
There are women who 'fall in love' with criminals on death row. I'm not sure you're really helping your side of the debate, but carry on good sir.


Same here. After giving a number of recent TV series a chance and being somewhat nauseated at the repetitive crap in them (stereotypical characters, no heart or soul to the shows), Terra Nova was a breath of fresh air.

I'd been running shows like X-Files and Voyager in the background while working and got to a point where I just didn't want to have them on anymore because I didn't care. I tried Terra Nova, expecting it to be some cheesy "Evolution" type series, and was actually engaged from the first scene. I remained engaged all the way through and in fact stopped working and just kicked back to watch. It pulled me in right away.

Coming to these boards, I'm really shocked to see people b!tching about the writing and so on. I didn't find the show campy or gimmicky at all, and I'm generally very sensitive to such things. Yes, the dino effects are...well, cheap. But not terrible for a regular network, and I thought the characters, storylines, dialogue (mostly), production design and non-dino effects were very good. I only found myself questioning things a few times towards the end (like the fact that a single cop was somehow a match for hired soldiers), but for the most part it felt quite real.

Other bonus points - no cheap shots of scantily clad butts, no over-the-top acting or self-indulgent's a fairly low key show with believable everyday characters and I really enjoyed it. I would never put it on par with the great TV series but it's still GOOD. Much better than most of the garbage on air right now. I'm very disappointed that they didn't bring it back for another season; it had a lot of potential with that ending too.


I couldn't agree more with ya,

Terra Nova was like a super breath mint of fresh air.

The ladies while being beautiful was not helpless damsels in distress and the men were not the archetypal kind either.

I was actually surprised that they didn't try to sexualise the girls like Maddy (Pretty and smart and kind) and Skye (Tomboy with a secret)

Sadly FOX has this tendency to put their resources on cheap money cows while sacrificing more complex shows.

Okay, I'm not saying Terra Nova was without its flaws but unlike the haters who ONLY see flaws because the show wasn't the usual sci fi blast everything in sight kind of show.

About the cost, such would have easily been cheaper in a second season considering most sets and props would have allready been in place, sure maybe a couple or smaller number of new actors may have been needed and some new props and the occasional set but all in all the second season would have been very much cheaper and therefore more profitable.

