Michael Rapaport...

Watching the movie right now and at 25 min Michael Rapaport is one of the most annoying unbelievable characters I've seen in a while... Terrible terrible casting job.


I totally agree with you. I've never witnessed such an annoying character on screen before. Didn't think I'd ever see a wrestler out 'act' a seasoned actor!


Haha.. He looked annoying too.. I've never really like the guy.. This movie was ok, but not good enough.. Plot was a bit dull and at times just dumb.. I mean, he accidentally shot the guy in the bar!!!! WTF!!!!


Well, when you cough with a gun in your hand you shoot people accidentally. It happens all the time.


OMG! He got on my last nerve through the entire movie.


TOTALLY agree! Between him and Parker Posey I just couldn't watch it. I turned it off at about 25 minutes in.



Interesting you mention Parker Posey. I really like her (and frankly I think she's hot as hell) but I've never seen her give a worse performance. The movie, inexplicably, held my interest enough to watch it to the end, but sometimes you've just gotta admit that a film is bad. This one was.

Right. Well, I have to-- I have to go now, Duane, because I, I'm due back on the planet Earth.


Isn't that the idea? His character is supposed to be irritating. The screw up gangster who talks big but does nothing right and takes everyone down with him.


Notice Rappaport's ears, the man is a walking freak a zoid, have seen virginia hams act better


I agree, I almost turned the movie off 2-3 times due to his extremely high level of annoying. I was glad when his character offed himself.


Nice to have a spoiler alert a-hole

Scientologists love Narnia, there's plenty of closet space.


He has been forever type cast as the annoying, loud mouth, passive agressive a-hole. But, he is good at doing that IMO. Just shows he has no range. I was impressed with Triple H's acting. Nowhere near the best, but much better than I had assumed.


Oh come on, Rapaport is what he always is....hilarious. If you monkeys are
"annoyed" by him then maybe you need to take some classes in Humor 101.


Indeed. Hes annoying as hell.

