MovieChat Forums > Baggage (2010) Discussion > Think those female contestants get extra...

Think those female contestants get extra rude and cruel?

hmmm Okay, when a female has to eliminate male contestants, the guys usually go, "Well, we could have had a nice evening."

But when a male has to eliminate female contestants, does anyone notice how badly they really stike at him like snakes in the grass, with, "You're too ugly for me anyway," or "I would just pass someone like you without looking," or something really impolite, before they leave.

Okay, like, whoever gets to pick is usually the hot one to begin with, right?
There might be some nice-looking contestants to eliminate and all, but why get all nasty when you're on TV, right?

It's like they tell him stuff like, "I can do a whole lot better than you!" - Really? Do they really think so? What's up with that?

Jerry should tell the ahead of time that it's a bad reflection on those women especially when the guy is way too hot to begin with, right?

Mellow Salutations!


Occasionally, I've seen the eliminated male contestants make snarky comments as well. However, the negative comments are usually along the line of "you're not my type, anyway" rather than an attack on her looks.

Let's face it, the show does nothing but reinforce stereotypes about the sexes--including the one that women are catty. Considering most of the "constestants" are not Rhodes scholars (mainly a bunch of superficial singles looking for a quick hook-up) and---in true Jerry fashion----is really a parody of the mindless American trash culture, the behavior is to be expected. The contestants are obviously coached and encouraged---the whole affair is a ruse strictly for the purposes of vapid entertainment.

A large percentage of women viewers obviously dig watching other women act catty. It makes for good ratings--so why wouldn't Baggage follow the same formula? The audience for successful shows like The Bachelor & The Real Housewives franchises are overwhelmingly female. Apparently these women relish in all the female-on-female backstabbing and conniving.

The cultural stereotype of a double-standard toward homosexuality is also evident in the show. If the "baggage" involves one of the female contestants participating in a "three-way" or some form of bisexuality, both the women and men generally consider it a turn-on and it's usually evaluated as either neutral or a plus in the final selection. However, in the (extremely rare) instance of baggage involving male bisexuality, it is an automatic deal-breaker--the contestant is dismissed as unacceptable because he is "gay".


Well said! You really nailed this show, but in the good kind of way.

That is exactly right about how "Baggage" caters to the independent mind of the mindless dependents on Trash-TV.

And the double-standard homophobia is especially rampant there. This past week, for example, after the hot lady narrowed down the two really great lookers, nobody could possible decide between them, right?

- or at least until one of them had his third baggage about dressing in drag for one event, and that was became her immediate deal-breaker all right.

What kind of madness is this? Tell Jerry to send us some of those hot rejects, right? - or at least the polite hot ones who don't sass back when they're ditched.

Mellow Salutations!


. . wow, so I guess given Baggage's male homophobic standards, Peter Scolari & Tom Hanks (Bosom Buddies), James Franco (hosting the Oscars)--and even Milton Berle---would be elimnated because they dressed in drag once for laughs. Madness, for sure!

I must say Jerry really has a unique talent for serving as ringmaster for trash TV. He manages to keep his tongue firmly in his cheek while presenting the material as satire---amazingly, without being overly condescending or insulting to the participants. A delicate balance, but somehow he manages to achieve it.

If I didn't have an appreciation for Jerry's style of humor and view the show as a parody, the overt homophobia would be offensive. I find the show rather amusing. And, yes, some of the eye candy is part of the appeal. I'd join you in accepting some of the rejects!


That's hot.

Mellow Salutations!
