MovieChat Forums > Baggage (2010) Discussion > Here's my baggage....

Here's my baggage....

Small: I can't decide between "Most of my CD's are of classical music and most of my DVD's are comedies" (I DO like pop music and drama, just not enough to spend my money on them.) or "I don't drive".
Medium: I'm allergic to latex.
Large: I probably won't want children til I'm AT LEAST in my LATE 30's, at the very earliest. (I'm 24 right now.)

I also use a wheelchair, but, if I were on the show, that would have to be plain to see. So I didn't include that.


I don't drive. That makes more sense as baggage than the CD thing. My opinion anyway. :P


Small -I cry excessively during movies and TV shows.
Medium -I require romance.
Large -I have OCD.

Ugh lol


I think on the show "I have OCD" would have to be spruced up to something more dramatic serious sounding.


Yeah, that audience probably wouldn't be able to resist a spruced-up modification of "OCD."

hmmm Let's see.... How about

"Over the Counter DT's?"
"Oklahoma Crude Drudge?"
"Osmonds Cause Dimentia?
"Oriental Chopsticks - Dinner"
"Obese Cross Dresser?"
"Orlando Criticizes Disney?"
"Oh Cey, Dandusee?"

Mellow Salutations!


OP, I'm sorry to hear you are in a wheelchair at such a young age. Classical music isn't that bad, though I think as sophisticated people get older they learn to appreciate classical music.

Anyway hmm... here would be my baggage (I'm 23):
1) I'm obsessed with computers and video games
2) I have a very bad temper
3) I would dump a girl if they were overweight

1) I love video games, my job is sitting behind a computer, it's just who I am it's not going to change, ever!
2) I don't like to admit it but I have a bad temper, I get VERY pissed at things sometimes throwing things, breaking keyboards, etc. I would never hit a women though and never have. But I do bounce of the walls when things don't go my way.
3) I can't stand obese girls, even slightly. I never have dumped a girl for their weight (but never did date a fat girl, either). I train alot in martial arts and do p90x, I think it's important to take care of your body, man or women. I don't know if I would totally dump a girl over their weight if it got out of hand but I would be very vocal about it.

That's it, that would probably be the WORST things on the list for me.



Obesity can be caused by defects that that person may not be able to help so hating the obese and being vocal about it just makes you a *beep* bully. Even if that person was obese from there eating habits. You're still a *beep* bully.


Well I'm 20 years old, and mine would probably be:

Small: I have an intense, unnatural fear of opossums.
Medium: By the time I graduate with my bachelor's next December, I will be over $80,000 in debt.
Large: I have a very prejudiced father who has said that if I want to remain in his family/want him to pay for my wedding, I cannot date any man who isn't white. (Mind you, this is my father's belief, not my own.)


Small: I cannot be in complete darkness; there must be some sort of light source.
Medium: I have extremely liberal beliefs. (I tend to be opinionated, so this needs to be out there for in case the person is a conservative whose views would clash.)
Large: I busted my ex cheating on me by creating a fake profile online, talking him up, getting him to agree to meet up, and then printing out the conversation and surprising him :)

