Here's my baggage:

Just for fun, if I were to go on the show, here is what my baggage would be:

Small bag: I am obsessive compulsive about keeping the house clean.
Medium bag: I smoke a pack a day, and will not give it up.
Large bag: I spent two months in jail for a DUI.


Medium baggage is a deal breaker.

Here's my signature.


I made a rule against smokers a while back after two really bad ones in a row. Not just the smoking itself, but I felt it was indicative of how they turned out to be in the long run. I now subconsciously equate smoking with selfishness. Whether it's true or not, I can't help after those awful, awful experiences.
The DUI thing I would only accept if you had given up drinking completely.
And the small bag wouldn't be so bad, except I carry the slob gene, so it would never work.

My baggage:

Small: My weight fluctuates.
Medium: My place used to be "grab-a-shovel" messy; I only recently started cleaning regularly, and too soon to tell if I'll keep it up.
Large: My credit rating is in the toilet.

"Well, for once the rich white man is in control!" C. M. Burns



Hey, I'm sure most "wealthy, powerful men" would be relieved you didn't want to get married, so you don't pull a Heather Mills on 'em. They might think you're materialistic rather than someone who just happens to be attracted to that sort of man. (As opposed to all those gals who like weak guys barely scraping by?)

"Well, for once the rich white man is in control!" C. M. Burns


A lot of our credit ratings are in the toilet right now. We're just hoping no one pulls the big handle and flushes. :(



tinydoll, i would put your STD baggage as medium and bisexual as large, so that you can have a chance to explain the bisexuality before him/her thinking you lean one way or the other


Regarding your large bag- what if that person had never been sexually active? would you not believe them? Or you don't do virgins?

~You sound like a country song. If you had a dog, he'd be run over by now.~



Large bag is the worst. I'd ask if those days were "behind" and be able to drink and not drive.

Anyway, mine would be;

Small bag: I don't believe in God (Defense: Too much bad in the world, and that I don't judge others for their religious beliefs).

Medium bag: I want to live large

Large bag: I suffer slight anorexia (Defense: It's not an every day kind of thing. Sometimes I eat only once a day, others three times, or even none at all some days. At max I go just one day without eating).


Small bag: I'm extremely indecisive.

Medium bag: I was hospitalized for two months because of anorexia related health problems.

Large bag: I've had more one night stands than relationships.


Send me your email ;-)


Small bag: I am a very PICKY eater.

Medium bag: Ive dumped guys before for not having a credit card.

large bag: I slept with my best friend's boyfriend.


medium bag seems a little weird.


You'd need to find worst stuff than your medium and large bag I would think.


Small bag: I'm afraid of roller coasters

Medium Bag: I hate cell phones

Large Bag: I have a masturbating problem


Small Bag: I don't have many friends.
Medium Bag: I'm a worrywart.
Large Bag: I don't want kids.


small bag:

i snore like a bear


necrophilia arouses me (watching the fetish videos, that is-with everything staged)


i was once arrested for assault

don't judge me! it happened when i was a teenager lol and im 31 now



small: I don't have any friends
medium: I'm 100% anti-social
large: I never worked in my life.


Small bag: I'm a picky eater.
Medium bag: I'm obsessed with asian dramas.
Large bag: I would not date a guy that doesn't have a job or a car.


Small Bag: I am addicted to soda

Medium Bag: I have severe commitment issues

Large Bag: I NEED a son to carry on my family name (Argument: I am the last of male in my family so I need to keep the legacy going)

Be honest, would you accept my baggage? lol


So many guys want a son for that very reason.

Small: I'm a terrible housekeeper.

Medium: I cheated on my boyfriend while studying abroad. (Not really a good defense, but he was way too old for me and never wanted to be intimate.)

Large: I don't give oral sex unless I'm in love. (But I don't expect it given to me in return - I'm fair about it.)

I pronounce you man and wife. Proceed with the execution.


Small: I constantly listen to death metal.
Medium: I'm extremely sexual.
Large: I used to be a drug addict.

My Vote History:


my baggage has to be the worst...

Small: I refuse to floss
Medium: I Dropped out of High School
Large: I'm still a virgin

In my defense

Small: I have a strange phobia with floss I feel like I'm gonna accidentally yank out a tooth or something even though I know that would never happen... But I use alternatives to floss and brush my teeth not only in the mornings and nights but even after every meal I eat.

Medium: I did drop out of high school but I do plan to get my GED and go to college eventually.

Large: Yeah I'm a 22 year old virgin so? I'm a late bloomer what can I say...

never take life so seriously... no one gets out alive anyway




Small: i brush my teeth maybe 3-4 times a week
medium: I don't like dating girls who don't know anything about sports
large: I smoke an ounce a week

Just for fun


If you were on this show, I would pick you.

"I'm sorry... There's laughing in my head."



1)Never been kissed (18)
2)I couldn't date someone stupid
3)I have multiple medical issues (non terminal)

People shouldn't be afraid of their government. Governments should be afraid of their people.



And my alternates:

Small: I'm a hard-ass when it comes to spelling, grammar, and pronunciation (It's "care-a-mell," NOT "car-mull." Also, it's spelled "definitely," not "definately.")

Medium: I frequently talk to myself in public.

Large: It takes me an incredibly long time to get motivated

Snoopy is one cool cat...although he's a dog.



Small: I despise rap and heavy metal music.
Medium: I'm a horrible dancer.
Large: I'm a nudist.

The good news: I've been happily married for nearly 30 years to a gorgeous lady that doesn't care about any of the above and even enjoys the large baggage with me. :-)


Your large bag is quite good in that it would be quite a shock, but ultimately it's not really that bad at all.

