MovieChat Forums > Evidence (2012) Discussion > Ridiculous amount of Video Noise/breakup...

Ridiculous amount of Video Noise/breakup

i love found footage movies, i think they are pretty much the only truly scary movies nowadays, so after seeing the big boys of the genre, rec, blairwitch paranormal activity etc , i watch pretty much anthing on the genre

but this movie i found it one of the worst found footage i ve seen
the amount of video break up, noise and freezing in the last 30 min or so is completely ridiculous, it really took me out of the film, i know that its a resource used to make it look more chaotic but come on....
not even bad cell phone cameras screw the image so badly, it was so forced and not natural as a found footage movie its supposed to be


Well if you noticed, the camera took quite a beating, getting thrown around, run over by monsters, dropped... etc.

My Music:


This implies they are using older magnetic tape camera.
Bumps and skips are caused when the heads separate from the recording surface.
This is impossible for a digital system.
Proof? Go google up some people that do video recording while dropping a phone. It doesn't skip a beat. Shakes yea, but nothing else.

The beginning shows that they are using a DSLR... bye bye realism...


Well, it's a movie, they're going for effect, there must be an allowed amount of poetic license and suspension of disbelief or you just wind up straight-jacketing creativity.

My Music:


yeah i really dont mind if they are using a magnetic or digital camera, it can go either way as a creative license the director took with the film
my problem wasnt with the video breakup being inconsistent with the camera used, its with the AMOUNT of breakup they used


It's was meant to imply data corruption.
It's purpose was to make the viewer of the movie feel the chaotic nature
of what the people in the movie felt. Which is seems was achieved.
If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.


It's, as you say, shown to be filmed with a Canon EOS DSLR camera, so the first thing that would happen would be the lens getting torn off the camera body. But seriously, Paranormal Activity 4 implies MacBooks have an HD webcam and a stereo mic. I'm not mentioning on the technological anachronisms of Paranormal Activity 3. They're just too many. I guess directors don't care and decide to put feeling and quality before realism.


People can actually own more than one camera. It might have been a different camera when they went into the bush. Anyway, I think if you're looking at these movies and complaining about cameras you've got too much time on your hands. Spoiler, it's not real, it's a movie.


Agreed. It got so bad towards the end that it gave me some kind of motion sickness. I couldn't watch it with sound and full screen anymore.

Enough is enough.


There was simply no excuse for the camera jitters and noise. A better director would've known not to do this.
All your board are belong to Kestrel


"Let's add lots of static so that people can't see much of our cheap special effects." ;)

Dennis Alexis


I agree. Right around when Ashley was walking along that wire fence up the hill I started to get really annoyed with how excessive it was. I just watched the Grave Encounters movies which also have the video noise, but it's in moderation and not so bothersome.


Gave me headache and motion sickness too, as someone had mentioned. And also threw me completely off from what could've been a pretty decent FF movie. Made me lower the rating from 6 to 3. It left a mess from a very promising first half. Does not even come close to the best of the genre such as "Rec" and "Exists".


I think the purpose of the noise was to imply radioactive interference. Since the movie is about, presumably, mutation experiments it follows that it might interfere with electronic equipment.


I totally agree. I'm just like you when it comes to found-footage genre and so at first I tried to justify all of those additional camera effect since the camera was dropped many times, but as it continued I realised that even dropping camera pretty hard, would not explain all those weird colour changes etc.

Seeing some comments about the camera reaction to radioactivity in the area I must say it's quite interesting theory but would a camera actually react like that? And we cannot know for sure whether anything there was actually radioactive.

Generally, agree with you... Too much of the annoying effects, and I'm not even talking about the extremely shaky camera at all times.

'You're saying that that's a real person...underneath?'
