I don't know what to say. The trailer makes me laugh. Wow. This is a movie.

I love the church for times like this. I haven't been this excited to see such garbage since the Left Behind series.


Gee. I didn't realize expressing one's beliefs and opinions could be so offensive... oh wait. You just proved that.... For any part I may have paid in turning people off Christianity and away from the Church, I apologize. I would only ask you to remember this: the Church is full of human beings. We are imperfect. Thus, we make mistakes. Again, I apologize for the ones I have made.


I'm a Christian and I agree with the OP. This movie looks like an atrocious waste of time.


And @ kramtsporp: Yay! Support from both sides! Hooray for democracy.


I take it you had a part in filming this?

I accept your apology in making this film. That's mighty big of you.

I feel like making some kind of drinking game out of this movie. Could be a new holiday tradition.
