What Would Jesus Say?

"My apologies!"

Seriously, as a Christian, I understand why believers may be occasionally the target of what I deem an unfair joke. This movie explains to me why we're fair game. I can assure everyone that most Christ-followers are not like this!!! Jesus came to bring life and bring it to us in fullness! God created the world so we should be creative people. I'm sorry that my fellow Christians did not apply this thought to the movie!

"It's called Christmas with a Capital C; not a lowercase c or an x." -predicted final line


" I can assure everyone that most Christ-followers are not like this!!! "

It's hard to tell given the vocal few (IYO) that seem to flare at ANY opinion that doesn't support THEIR particular flavor of god belief. They bristle that THEY can't have THEIR prayers uttered aloud at gov't activities. They bristle if THEY can't have THEIR particular "10" laws displayed in some gov't facility as if those laws are the only important ones..OR even all that useful/good. They bristle that they can't...blah blah blah. It seems they are more concerned with some outward show than an inward grace and spirit.

"God created the world so we should be creative people. I'm sorry that my fellow Christians did not apply this thought to the movie!"

What I noticed was that there were many "creative" Christians who thought of many options/attitudes to correct the mayor's and his rabid brother's point of view. The judge was particularly creative and pragmatic.

What really puzzles me is that Christians have images at all...and even images they seem to almost worship...completely counter to one of the ten commandments. Given all the vague and ancillary moralistic issues Christians glom on to, I'd think at least they could get that right. I mean there's only ten of 'em and THAT is one of them...don't make graven images. It just shows me how situational Christians believe morals are, despite their claim that morals are objective.

As far as what would Jesus say? Just as happened in the Bible, he'd "say" whatever words were put in his mouth...just as you did.


Nicely put. Thank you.
