Tami is so fake

She's over here saying I love you Kenya but talking about her behind her back. I don't see how Kenya was rude in her response to Tami.


Tami always had her fake moments. Remember she was used to front to Royce, acting like she never wanted to friends with these hoes when that's all she ever wanted. That was like her dream come true.



Yeah that was pathetic. Tami is so annoying.


I agree. Does Tami like Kenya or not? Is Tami friends with Kenya or not? ...

Maybe Tami's afraid of her ... Kenya's one crazy bit*h! lol

*tigers love pepper, they hate cinnamon*


He response reminded me of when you have a tiff with a worker at some meanial job and they tell you to have a nice day. Oh you know exactly what they mean by that.

Poor Kenya though, delusional.

You don't know me.
You only think you do.

