jew jokes?

Why so many jew jokes?


Good question, I wondered the same thing. The jokes were not vicious, but too many, quite unnecessary and mostly not funny. It did poke fun at other sorts of people like gays etc too, but mostly Jewish people. The movie was a bit mean spirited in that respect.


Ted 1 makes fun of Italians :(


By asking that, you've shown you really don't get Seth's humor


Lol, there's nothing to get about Seth's humor. All of his jokes could easily be written by children.


Lol; You don't get it either.


I get it, I just think it sucks.


No, you really don't.


What don't I get? Fill me in please.


McFarlane's humor


I guess this is a one sided argument.


No at all. Not even an argument. Either you get it or you don't. You don't. No biggie.


It's pretty hard not to get references to things from the 80s.


Stop obsessing. You didn't get it, that's all. Not everyone gets everything. Move on.


Eh, very well. Not obsessing just replying. You're still wrong. I've seen every episode of Family Guy. I assure you, I get it.


Sorry; you don't. But it's your right to live in denial.


And it's your right to accuse people who don't like what you like of 'not getting it.' Glad we both have our rights.


Not an accusation. Statement of fact. But again, go on living in denial.


No denial. You're right. I used to get Seth's humor, for years actually. Then I guess I changed and stopped getting it. One day maybe I'll be able to understand his jokes again and be able to laugh. Oh how I yearn for laughter.



Gee, saloth, seems you know less than most here. WHO's the troll?


McFarlane's humor
By this response you don't really "get it' either.


Since coldnaps won't tell you, I will. Seth uses blue humor aka off-color humor. Its a type of humor that uses crude and vulgar jokes. Blue humor pays little regard to PC and often walks the line of what is acceptable. It can be offensive to some audiences who are sensitive about how their social/ethnic group is seen or portrayed. Sometimes PC must be put aside for the sake of good humor. This is why comedians get more slack when it comes to making obscene comments. One must have thick skin to enjoy this type of humor. People who are overly sensitive will not enjoy it but if you don't take it personally, its really good humor. There are many black and Hispanic comedians that use this type of humor. They joke about various racial and ethnic groups, even their own and they don't get slammed for it so why should a white comedian? I highly doubt Seth hates Jews. As long as you know that, its all good humor.


I don't care who he makes fun of, most of his jokes are lazy and obvious. But I don't get his humor, so I have no place discussing the genius of Seth McFarland.


You're right; you don't.




You got nothing


Um, let it go?


I didn't start this going...YOU did.


Yeah like 2 months ago. I'm not even sure what it was about without going back and looking. Something about how I don't get fart jokes.


Think it was something about not getting this particular type of humor but not being able to simply admit that.


I didn't like Ted. You never attempted to explain why I don't get the humor. You just keep trying to get the last word. Ted was a bad movie, at least to me. Family Guy style comedy didn't translate to movie form. It's a very popular movie though so plenty of people do like it. I'm fine with that. what am I not getting?


Forget it.... it's not explainable in words. You didn't like Ted, that's fine. I never said it was a cinema masterpiece, just that you didn't get a lot of the humor.


Yes, nobody claimed it was a masterpiece. Understood. I agree, forget it.


What's wrong with making jokes of the jews?? They own the most of the world, I think they appreciate the jokes we come up with and they laugh it off as "ha ha ha, we are better than you so we will let you have the jokes" kind of way.
