
I couldn't help but notice a complete lack of diversity on screen. Almost everybody what white. WTH? I know Seth McFarlane also likes to make jokes at the expense of African Americans also. Plus the Cleveland show has been cancelled too, the only one of his shows to focus on an African American family. So is he a closet racist?


Plus Ted was a light colored tan as opposed to a brown or black bear. This subtly reinforces the idea that fair colored skin is more appealing and less threatening to society. We still have an awfully long way to go.


Of course Seth isn't a closet racist. He's one of the most progressive, outspoken, pro-gay liberals in Hollywood. Everyone knows this. You are so blindly dedicated to one political dogma that you put your foot in your mouth every time you open it.

All of your posts are you crying about some PC nonsense. Grow a pair and stop whining. You sound like a little b!tch.


What really grossed me out was the that they had a nice wholesome American like Marky Mark paired up with Islam wannabee Arab, Kerry Washington and Halle Berry must have been busy. Why can't Hollywood just stop it with race mixing, like its a normal thing?
I read an interview with Seth, that the only reason he created the Cleveland Show was to cancel it and disappoint all the liberals who blindly follow ironic forms of progress.


Ahhh, if you're speaking of Mila Kunis, she's a lovely drop dead gorgeous Ukranian Jewish actress. If you're going to insist on labeling people, get it right, mate. Makes you sound worse if you don't.

P.S. Halle Berry & Kerry Washington wouldn't do this movie ever. As funny as it is, they have a lot more class than Seth McFarlane. Why would they accept a role in such a ridiculous off-color film?

I didn't find any of the racial, sexist or bigotry jokes funny, but as far as the silliness of this movie 10.0/10.0 and in that regards I like the humor. A lot of things would have made the movie funnier if they weren't in it, but I'm not a writer or comedian and not my movie so God willing if a off color comedian wants to make a script like this and see how well it kicks the cans.


Halle Berry has class??? Don't think so. She would do any movie. And has.


Well of course it's racist! Just like every Tyler Perry movies has a white person or a diverse cast, right? The race card isn't working anymore. It was a funny movie. See past race and maybe you'll enjoy it.


It's a pity that you're not a closet loony lefty.


He's more of an opportunist than anything else.
He goes for the easiest laughs and that includes some amount of racism.

Ted had a number of lazy jokes (which fortunately didn't include Seth's old standbys of cancer and AIDS) some of which were borderline racist. Had he included more than three minority characters with speaking roles (one Black woman, one Latino office worker and one stereotypical Asian man) then it might have been funnier.

Bad films are a crime against humanity.


Family Guy always had racism involved in the humour. It's supposed to shock you into laughing. It's Seth McFarlane using the same old tricks, just less well and in a more limited format. Family Guy often managed to be funny because absolutely anything could happen, and often did. Here we have a central character who is a talking teddy bear and asides from that everything is plain and predictable.

When a random asian guy next door wanders in saying "I live here long time", that is not a joke about racism. It simply is racism. I'm not going to say McFarlane is racist in real life. I think he's just entirely misjudged the shock humour from Family Guy (which should be fairly unsurprising, considering that series got less and less funny as time went on).

There's also some rather random homophobic humour. Some bits of clear misogyny. And the biggest problem is that none of it is funny. Another commenter in this thread said that McFarlane is very pro-gay. Well he might well be, but this movie sure as hell isn't.


I'm not going to say McFarlane is racist in real life. I think he's just entirely misjudged the shock humour from Family Guy (which should be fairly unsurprising, considering that series got less and less funny as time went on).



problem is that racism only exists for blacks if the jokes are made on blacks. you can joke about ANYTHING else .....BUT NOT ON BLACKS .........


Oh I get it, you're an obsessive conservative a- s- shole sarcastabitch. Suck off.

Are you not entertained?!
