Zooey and Rashida

Does anyone know if the relationship between Zooey and Rashida's characters is up to much, or is it yet another film where the lesbian relationship is mostly avoided or skirted around?


they delve into it decently enough. It doesn't "dance" around it... it feels at first like they will... but ultimately dances around the sexual orientation of zooey


I will see this just for them!


There was nothing major. The whole premise of the movie is Rudd's character messing with the lives of his three sisters, so the lesbian couple only get 1/3 of the actual time anyway.
Since they are both kind of hot I thought the movie used that to it's advantage more in that way rather than to have a decent relationship. There is a funny phone scene where only one of them is seen talking on the phone to the other that while dealing with a serious situation, was hilarious.


That was a funny scene! I won't forget that for a long time. Despite being absolutely absurd, it had a ring of truth to it.

I'm with you -- I didn't think the lesbian relationship got short-shrift. It was weighted about as much as he other sister's relationships. If relationship got glossed-over, it was Ned's relationship with his mother. It was really sweet but perhaps a little dysfunctional... but it's hard to snow since it go so little screen time.

This movee would have been better as a "Sex in the City" type series because they could have given an hour or more to each sister's relationship as well as another hour to Ned's previous girlfriend. With his mother, etc.


They're lesbians. Thankfully, while their relationship is one of the major subplots of the film, it doesn't make a big deal out of the fact that they're lesbians. It doesn't shy away from showing them being affectionate with each other, nor does it turn every kiss into a steamy hot lesbian make-out scene. Aside from a few lines of dialogue, you could've replaced Rashida's character with a male character and it would've played out just the same.



they were still pretty hot though lol


I thought the scene where they make out in front of Zooey's mother was dumb,

her sister's are telling the mother to relax and all that . . . like WTF?

straight, lesbian, gay, it doesn't matter, you don't make out in front of your parents and no one would tell the mother to relax, they would look in shock at the two morons making out and likely tell them to stop, angrily.

you know what you are? you're a bastard-coated bastard with bastard filling.


Yeah, that scene with them making out in front of her mom was a WTF moment. It was interesting that Rashida wore glasses that filled up her whole face, in order to hide how pretty she was. And those crazy clothes? Please, she wasn't a transgender.


I think that scene was another reminder that the sisters are selfish cows who have little regard for their mum.


I wonder why they didn't want her to be pretty. Was that addressed in the film? Otherwise I thought the glasses were ridiculous, and her clothes were horrendous.

I'm not ugly. I'm avant-garde


I just thought she looked like a hipster.



you know what you are? you're a bastard-coated bastard with bastard filling.

With bastard sprinkles on top! ;-)


rashida's character couldn't have been a lesbian. she wore a big white belt. only over 40 frat guys who play golf wear those.

Season's Greetings


I thought you were going to point out that she doesn't drive a Subaru.

Jaan Pehechan Ho


is subaru code for you like to vacation in japan?

You stay classy, San Diego.


Is vacationing in Japan code for woman loves woman?

Jaan Pehechan Ho


not that i'm aware of.

Why is Cloud 9 so amazing? What is wrong with Cloud 8?


Oh. I'm not really up on gay innuendo code.

Apparently, Subaru Outbacks are very popular among female same-sex couples. I'm not sure if anyone knows why. I just think they are good cars personally.

Jaan Pehechan Ho


gay innuendo code. don't get it either. i bought this book today, and the book lady said, 'ohhhhh. him. i watched the bio-pic on him. he was a very angry and very gay.' just strange. 1)he's an english playwright, doesn't that go without saying? 2) you wouldn't say about a hetro blonde female writer: 'she's very flighty & likes latin men.' upon seeing their book. i don't think...anyway. guess i'm lost out of the loop in regards to these things.

Why is Cloud 9 so amazing? What is wrong with Cloud 8?


What book was that? I am a fan of effeminate English playwrights.

Jaan Pehechan Ho


joe orton

Why is Cloud 9 so amazing? What is wrong with Cloud 8?
