Ned's ex-girlfriend Janet

God, what a piece of work Janet was. I dated a girl like her many years ago. She acted like she was crunchy and soulful, was a quasi-hippy, but behind the fake act she was pretty damn mean and made fun of a lot of people and had zero tolerance.

Okay, Ned in his stupidity got arrested by that a-hole cop (who seems like Ned's friend) for selling him a little weed, but she had to have known Ned is just a too trusting guy who takes people for their word. Was she okay with him before the pot bust? So he gets arrested, comes back home, and she's like get out of here, and don't you take the dog.

I get that she was sick of some of the dumb things that he did, but she just seemed overly harsh. She actually seemed like she wanted Ned to fall on hard times, like she was getting some pissed off pleasure out of his bad fortune. A true villain.


She stole the movie. A great job playing a bi-itch. Yes, I've dated my share of psychos too. Not happy unless they're miserable. Learn to recognize them fast, then sprint the other way.
