I love wikibear

Conan always manages to find something so unusual and hilarious sure there are a lot of crappy bits but every now and then he'll strike gold.

Pearson Specter Litt


Wikibear is one of my favorites too.

His first appearance was awesome. When asked what the fastest land animal was he confirmed that it was the Cheetah, which could reach speeds up to 75 mph.

"It's still not fast enough to outrun Jack the Ripper, the notorious 19th century British serial killer who murdered at least five prostitutes lickety split!!!"

Funny stuff!!!!


I also like it how Brian Stack delivers WikiBear's lines, great stuff :)


Brian Stack replaced Brian McCann as best Conan actor. I love when he ad libs during bits. It cracks Conan up and is sometimes funnier than the scripted lines.
