Moon Easter Egg

The easter egg for Moonis pretty crazy and you can do it with 2 people provided one of you is Richtofen. Again you get all the perks once you complete it, although it doesn't count as buying them for the achievement, you still get at least 3 other achievements, completing the first half of the easter egg and revealing Sam, completing the easter egg and seeing the end result as well as PaP'ing 3 weapons with Mule Kick.

It took three of us a short while to complete it, as someone kept killing the crawlers we made, I won't say who it was, but I will say it was R. Rich, no that's too obvious, we'll say Rapturous R., yes that works.

I found the most challenging part of the easter egg to be collecting the souls around the pyramid, the first time yoy only need about 25, but the second time you need around 100. We tried to duo it in another game and the only advice I have is don't try to do it at round 25, terrible idea.

Although it's a crazy easter egg that develops the story greatly, I don't really see how they can continue with the story from where they leave it, if you've done it or seen videos you'll know what I'm talking about.

I have followed you too far to fail now. I bear the gift of Death. You cannot outrun me.


In my defence I'd like to say there was some severe miscommunication going on here. You had crawlers, I had crawlers and kersplat had crawlers so I figured we didn't need mine so I killed them. Obviously you two had the same thought without communicating it to the rest of the party!

Also, I think I did pretty well with less than 1000 points, no perks and only 2 claymores and a pistol to my name after I was downed. But you didn't mention that, did you?!

Anyway, the EE is pretty crazy. I was glad I managed to make it back to you and kersplat to see the end result, thinking I'd miss it. Richtofen is a little bugger.

I still need to get the Shangri-La easter egg done, so would you guys mind helping me out? Of course with the temperamental microphone this could prove troublesome...

Just another YouTube channel:


I felt that posting your triumphs would detract from the Monday Failness of the overall post. As a rule I don't generally kill crawlers and seeing as hou and I were outside around Mule Kick, some of them were mine. What I find funny is how fast we all went down when we all had 8 perks as opposed to having 4.

I'm up for doing that abortion, although 480 has stated numerous times that he's never doing that Easter Egg again, so you'll need two others as well. It relies on random spawns too much and I'm fairly certain the shrink gun is like the VX-11 and has a higher chance to spawn in the box before round 6 and the napalm part is a pain, but depending on the round, you can get two steps done with him.

Also I didn't mention the massive ear rape that happened during that session that left me hugging my knees and rocking back and forth in a corner while softly sobbing.

I have followed you too far to fail now. I bear the gift of Death. You cannot outrun me.
