I didn't like it

Please don't jump on what I this post and say I shouldn't say anything against the movie, if I don't like it I should shut up and go away, etc. I made it clear in the heading that I don't like it, and if someone doesn't want to read a negative reaction, they shouldn't read it. But personally, I find negative responses valuable, as long as they don't degenerate into the kind of name-calling insults IMDB posters sometimes indulge in. If I am trying to decide whether to watch a movie or not, I like to go to Rotten Tomatoes and to IMDB and read the pros AND cons, maybe watch a trailer, and then decide whether it sounds like something I want to invest my time in watching.

Blackthorn seemed to me to be endlessly boring. I'm glad I didn't pay money to see it in a theater, or buy the DVD, but watched it on TV where I could record it and fast forward through the many interminable scenes of Nothing Happening.
It's not that I want ACTION, I don't even usually like "action movies." But there should be SOMEthing of interest going on, like interesting characters, interesting dialogue, interesting plot, interesting historic or geographic information, Something.
This movie seemed to me mainly an attempt to play off the fame of the wildly successful "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid," which by the way, had ALL of the "interesting" aspects listed above, plus a lot of humor.
I won't even bother to list the numerous "unlikely" things portrayed, other people are doing that here, but they add up to a sense of general falsity.
Something I did like, however, was the background music. In places the solo acoustic guitar sounded something like the soundtrack solo guitar in Brokeback Mountain, and it added some much needed feeling. I also liked the Bolivian scenery. And the co-star, whose face actually showed various expressions, unlike Sam Shepherd's frozen antique visage.


I agree with what your post. I recorded the movie because Sam Shepard can be a good actor, although I was embarrassed on his behalf here, and because of the positive rating by... hummm, is it actually Directv or the channel that the movie is playing on? Not sure, but anyway the rating was four out of five stars, I like a good western and I love the work of Stephen Rea (even though his scene was short I was happy to see him as always), so I thought why not. Now I know why not!

I couldn't stop watching because I was fascinated at how bad this movie was. How shameful to wrap the story around the one and only "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid." The long chase this movie was built around was a blatant and yet boring ripoff of the original chase sequence in the original film, of course.

The movie Blackthorn is nothing more than a sucker fish, a remora. As my SO tells me, I can become quite passionate about films. BUT the scenery was gorgeous AND this movie falls into that class of film that is so bad that it might eventually become a funny cult film, although you are right, this movie is devoid of humor.


I don't agree. I don't see this as a cheap attempt to exploit the more famous film or produce something similar. This is a story about an old honourable outlaw who is deceived. He kills the honest workers, cause's the death of his companion and at the end we see him wandering off into the mountains perhaps intent on rejoining Sundance. It's beautifully filmed and acted and I enjoyed it for what it was - but to be honest would probably not watch it again.


Hello IMDb me. I wish there was a way to reclaim my old posts.


Why? What would you change? I thought what you said was good


I don't think I'd change anything but lots of posts (15 years worth I've just realised) didn't make it across to Moviechat and it would be interesting to see them again.


I agree. It looks nice and I think Shepard did ok with what he had but yea this was dull as hell. Except for the flashback scenes which I thought were what the movie was gonna be about.

Go to hell with your hypocrisy! I'm staying right here with humanity!


I am all for people being able to express their opinions if they have something to say.

The movie was slow moving, I'll give you that. I'd rate it at a 5/10. I liked it, and glad
I watched it, but to spend all that time just to make a political statement that we have
to remember came from a robber did not make sense to me.

I find these movies that use women as pawns, kill them off to motivate the male star
to do something are so transparent and boring, I'd have to agree with you that the
movie had its faults.

It has been so long since Butch Cassidy that I don't think there is much to associate
with there.

I liked the music, I liked the scenery, and the people were very interesting to watch.
Overall I enjoyed it, but I would not really recommend it to people unless I thought
they might really like it. Bolivia really looks amazing.

1) UnWatchable 2)Watchable,ButBad 3)Decent,SeeOnce 4)Good,Repeat&Recommend 5)Great,Classic


Sorry you feel that way. I thought it was a very good western.
