Weird edit (SPOILER!)

When Edouardo is dumping the bodies of the 2 women assassins, he dumps the dark-clothed one, the camera pans and you see the white-clothed one is already floating away.

Scene changes to Butch, then back to him dumping the white-clothed one. I thought it might be Butch's friend but then it cuts to her grave right after. Unless he tossed her out to sea and pretended to bury her?




I noticed that; I am pretty sure it was a deliberate signpost. It was the first time that we are allowed to see for certain that Edouardo is not all he seems to be. I am guessing that, on a second viewing, there will be other, less obvious, signs too.

He didn't bother burying her and just made a mound of earth with a cross. It was far easier to dump her in the river and make a false grave.

It made me sit up and think back and it was an indication of what was to come...


You are correct about the latter, he did pretend to bury her -- just to get in better in with Blackthorn.

However in the first shot, when they pan down the river, you are seeing the first "black clothed" woman he dumped. They were wearing black ponchos but there undergarments were white. That body had just bounced around so much its cloths were tangled.


yeah, you are right, he just set up a fake grave and dumped Yana's body in the river to avoid all the digging... it was always about gaining Butch's trust and doing as little as possible.... it pointed out how incredibly selfish he was...

Ironically in the same scene at 46:03 in the movie, Butch gives Eduardo Sundance's old sheepskin lined coat (which we see on Sundance a couple of times)... the ultimate vote of friendship, just as we see Eduardo revealing himself to be absolute scum.... wow....

at the end Eduardo thought that Butch was scum too.... and that was a major mistake, he never saw what Butch really was and that cost him big time... Eduardo was the first man Butch ever killed....


He kills one or two guys chasing him on the salt.
