Spoiler- The Opening

Ok the guy in the opening, that was some random guy from another family right? I couldn't really tell with the blood all over his face.

Because at first I thought he was the main dad until he died at the end and I was like well, WTH? did I miss something somewhere because I thought the opening was the end of the film ya know. Now I'm like, ok, the opening was just a random guy from some other family as a setup for the new family that the guys went after.

Anyway, I loved it. It kept me interested the entire time and I thought the action was great. Which can sometimes be hard to do for that long a time period. I was basically like OMG! from the minute they broke into the house and even after it was over. Plus it was scary and didn't have to show excessive gore or brutally violent rape like I've seen in other film.

"You had me at emmy"
