MovieChat Forums > Secuestrados (2011) Discussion > Underwhelming after all the positive rev...

Underwhelming after all the positive reviews

I didn't find this movie particularly graphic, violent, upsetting, or scary. The lengthy tracking shots were more annoying than anything and it made it difficult to follow the action rather than increasing the realism (in my opinion). I just feel generally disappointed. Also, I watched this on Netflix streaming, which didn't have a subtitle option and the dubbing was AWFUL. The "Albanians" had no discernible accent from the Spaniards. If you have the option, rent the disk so you can use the subtitles! I feel like the characters all reacted oddly to the home invasion too. They seemed pretty calm considering but still made dumb arse panicked decisions. And if the invaders had guns, then why didn't they just shoot the women when they tried to run away? Why didn't the father take the gun offered to him in the van, kill the robber, and get help?

I don't know, I just didn't care for it and am surprised that it got a fairly high rating (it's a 6.5 right now). I give it a 3 or 4 out of 10.

They're coming to get you, Barbara!


I agree with your points, although personally I liked the movie insofar as it was really never predictable or boring.
What annoyed me the most where all these stupid horror cliches. At least half a dozen times in the movie they are running around with cell phones and - oh surprise - get no reception. This seems almost like a parody in 2012, and who would buy a several million dollar mansion that doesn't even have cell phone coverage?
And then of course wherever screaming and gun fire is reported there comes the naive and incompetent police officer who is completely alone and will never be missed by anyone...


I have to admit that the girl's ******SPOILER****** death at the end took me by surprise. I guess with all the other cliches, I figured she'd survive. But I think I would have liked it much better if I hadn't heard how great it was beforehand. There just seemed to be so many chances for escape!

They're coming to get you, Barbara!


Only thing that bothered me (realism-wise I mean, cus I hated this movie) was that the security guard was painted up to be a gung ho professional, yet the first thing he did after noticing something strange was investigate. Most security agencies I know of stress calling for backup or the police especialy when somone is exhibiting obvious duress like that.
