MovieChat Forums > Secuestrados (2011) Discussion > The Poster looks HORRIBLE

The Poster looks HORRIBLE

When I first heard about this film I was very excited because we need more Spanish cinema & this film kinda falls into the "horror" section so that was a plus, also this sounds like The Last House On The Left with Funny Games style, & Revenge movies are my favorite. I went to do research on this film, I found its IMDB page & when I looked at the poster, it kinda pissed me off.

The Poster is not creative, its not even scary, its just stupid,I am not squeamish, if anything my favorite horror film is INSIDE & that film has a very creative disturbing poster. Its posters like these that just range up the "Torture Porn" meter, I don't see what the creators were thinking, that if they get a disgusting still that more people will see the film?
Alot of people saw Titanic & that movie didn't have a very good poster(not saying it was a bad movie, I LOVED Titanic) but this poster just shows a total lack of creativity, I just cant stand looking at it, why are people so stupid?


Yes, but the funniest thing is, the poster has almost nothing to do with the movie... ^^


Watch the movie. Its great.


The poster is way better than the film. It's what made me want to see it. Unfortunately it has nothing to do with the film.


If you want great film posters, you'll have to look to Poland.

We've met before, haven't we?
