MovieChat Forums > Secuestrados (2011) Discussion > If that was the ending, what was the beg...

If that was the ending, what was the beginning? (spoilers)

The scene where the father escaped in the morning, calls his daughter with the help from a stranger - she picks up, so they're both alive. But in the end, they're dead? Um??


That guy at the start was a different victim.


It's another father, and a random scene of something that happened to another family... it gives you a false anticipation of how the movie is going to end. Quite smart i thought


the first guy is "another" guy? And this is clever? Why is it clever because I have to check on IMDB to find out? Maybe the first guy was an alien or a ghost that would also be VERY clever...phfff

The movie was tense, the acting of the young girl was pretty good, some of the killings was graphic (in a good sense) but the kidnapper that stops being violent and starts to love the family is always my breaking point


Interesting analysis...I like where your'e coming from and I could totally see that being how it was planned out.


The combination of the guy being beaten and bloodied, both the intro guy and the protagonist having a wife and daughter (dubbed version be damned), home invasion robberies not exactly common, and the cut directly from the beaten guy to the guy driving lead us to believe its the same person, and it's *beep*


He calls his SON. It is a MALE voice. HE answered the phone.

Jesus, how dense are you people that watch these movies?


I just re-watched that scene. It's a girl on the phone.


In the DUBBED version it's a male. Get your facts straight.


In the original its a girl named Dani.
