
It really started well but went downhill during the middle and the great finale was like WTF?? i feel a bit cheated. The acting was mediocre (can't stand the daughter or even feel sorry for her character's fate) and the dubbing was out of synch in most parts. Overall it's worth of a watch only but pretty much forgetable, and spoiling it just a bit that particular "scene" was executed much better 10 years before in the movie "Irrevérsible". My Rank: 5 out of 10!! (watch Rec, Rec 2 or Cela 211 much better spanish movies)


I love Irreversible! But that scene was waaayyyyy better looking in this movie! It looked pretty realistic and not with too much red lights in it.


You just called the finaly "great".
Dubbing is always out of sync, because it's... well... dubbing.

We've met before, haven't we?


Yeah, in the future, try to watch the movies in their original versions. Makes the movie experience much more enjoyable.


Dubbed versions are terrible, but sometimes there's no choice if watching cable or satellite.
