The opening is the best part

Why oh why coundn't they keep that quality up? Ok, the writer and most actors sucks, but occasionally they have some scifi vet that could do much better, but gets some crappy episode with no chance of redemption. It must be more than budget, much more has been done with far less, and there are tons of amazing scripts dying for a chance at the "big time". Are the producers incomptetant? Did scifi just buy this on the cheap as simply rebroadcast? Does France/Europe still sucks at scifi/tv/movie/whatever-this-genre is? Or is this really considered a Jewel of French filmmaking that American audiences just don't get ?



The stories come from the Metal Hurlant magazine. They are being aired out of order.

Christians call it faith ... I call it the herd.
-- Friedrieh Wilhelm Nietzsche
