Any idea on start date???

Does anyone know when its going to air??


I remember having seen something like september. I do researches on French websites.


According to the facebook page, it airs in France in November, and will also be released on DVD/BRD that same month.


I don't understand. How can Blu-Rays become available in November when series hasn't even started to air yet?


they make every episode before they even air the show and some producers put it straight to DVD/BRD in other countries if they dont air it on one of their t.v. channels.


Saturday 27 October 2012.
Two episodes so far both in French :-/
Shame they didn't subtitle because the actors actually spoke their parts in English.

You and I know
What all schoolchildren learn
Those to whom evil is done
Do evil in return



Well, it was aired in multilangage version (french or english, with optional french subtitles).


where can i find it?!


It starts airing in the US on Syfy April 14th


They are showing season two episodes as well. Each Monday and repeating several times during the week they are showing a season one episode then a season two episode.

Doesn't matter that they do this since all the stories are self contained.

Saturday I think they will have a two hour block of all four of the episodes they have aired early in the morning.

It's not bad. Keep in mind these tales sometimes don't have a happy ending.

Christians call it faith ... I call it the herd.
-- Friedrieh Wilhelm Nietzsche


So they air season two also? Does anybody know, if season two is available On Demand somewhere in the web? I don't have access to american TV and can't find any torrents of the new episodes.
