Why the Dave Chappelle Diss?

The Dave Chappelle sketch or rather Diss was so not funny at all! All real comedy fans know how Dave acts and speaks his mind on what happened to him on Comedy Central and season 3 of the Chappelle Show!

Yet this sketch diss made dave into a paranoid drug using mad man with a hate of white people! This caricature does not even make sense to anyone watching! And to bring out Ash larry to end the skit was wack! I hope he got his 30 pieces of silver! Why Affion? why?

Anyone who has seen dave on stage with the roots or his most current youtube stand up clips can see that he owns all these current so called comedians!


calm down, dave gave affrion his blessing

"The Truth may Hurt but to Lie is Agony"



I thought that bit was hilarious and put me over to look out for it in the future.

Dave Chappelle has done very little to explain why he lost his god damn mind and left his show. Last I heard (I only tried to follow him for 2 years after and then gave up because I'm not his f-ing mother and his bahavior is childish or insane or both) he freaked out because he thought he was making too much money and getting too sucked in. For only doing 2 seasons and partially planning for a third on a (lovingly I say this) second rate basic cable channel, he really should look over his own reality. We live in a world of billionaires. Making 1/100th what a Hollywood star makes in their career shouldn't be considered some unholy amount. Only doing 2 seasons on a channel most people never watch (again, lovingly) isn't quite "internationally famous". He broke like a bitch and fled both hemispheres. He has yet to explain himself properly considering how stupid he was.

You want to call "Ashy Larry" Judas? I bet that actor wasn't being paid millions. He probably got scale, i.e. as soon as Chappelle took his millions and ran, Larry's career was dead and he was not "rich". Chappelle f$cked hundreds of employees that depended on his show, none of them were making money like him, but he needs to realize making that money enabled others to also get jobs.


The money wasnt why he left the show. He didnt care about the money at all. His main reasoning was because he wanted to be more responsible about the comedic content on his show.

Chappelle's Show was reaching an ever widening audiance and alot of the fans couldnt separate the satire from the broad comedy. He wanted his show to be more than just "Whats Dave's new catchphrase gonna be?" It all started with the "Rick James Bitch", then it hit rock bottom when he was filming the racial pixies sketch and a caucasian crewmen was laughing alittle too hard (moreso at the sight of Dave in blackface than the actual message) Dave had had it at that point and took off.

I'm sure everyone attached to the show was compensated well for their efforts after Dave's departure since he has no say over that kind of thing.

"You win some, you lose some. But you live, you live to fight another day."


Comedy Central is not network. Every cable show has a miniscule budget compared to network tv. Mostly because far fewer people have cable or watch a specific network/show. However popular Chappelle's Show was becoming, the average crappy sitcom on NBC would have much higher ratings. Comedy Central isn't known for friendly departures either, my ass Ashy Larry got some severance package.

As for Chappelle, it was his show. If he didn't like the way it was going, he could have changed it. Bottom line.


"As for Chappelle, it was his show. If he didn't like the way it was going, he could have changed it. Bottom line."

Just because it had his name on it didnt make it completely his show. There were alot of people involved and Dave barely ever had final word on what was and wasnt allowed. Read up on Keenan Ivory Wayans battle with FOX over In Living Color and the Chappelle's Show incidents will make more sense.

"You win some, you lose some. But you live, you live to fight another day."


i hope Dave Chappelle shoots this moron in the face so that stupid show won't ever come back...


I think this is just a filler show anyway. It probably wont be on very long. This is more than likely a test run to see if it'll find an audience.

"You win some, you lose some. But you live, you live to fight another day."
