Passport - Spoiler-

After Hector's released by the kidnappers he must have been given back his passport as he continues to travel and no mention is made of him getting a new one. Are African warlords in the habit of returning travel documents?

There was a decent movie buried in here somewhere. SP was good I thought. The story needed tightening way up, though. Sort of Eat, Pray, Love with Simon Pegg.

...and of course, Rosamund. 

She's a man, it's a sled, he's dead already.


even the GOLD pen with that drug kingpins name on it! sometimes it pays out having "bad" friends i guess. . .

It´s beer o´clock. Wheres my riot?


Do you really need a scene of them throwing his stuff out the window as they drove off? Would that really make the movie good for you? Or can you realize the warlords didnt mess with the drug lord and would have returned things back as they could? Not so hard.

People also don't poop in movies or shower or get dressed or shown traveling place to place most of the time.


They gave him back his notebook and the pen so it's safe to assume they just gave him everything back.

Pretty far down my list of unrealistic elements of this film.


Did you see how fast they returned him? I'm pretty sure the warlords gave him everything back because they wanted to leave no proof that they had taken the good friend of Diego Baresco.
