Snipers = Fu**ing Annoying

Nuff' Said.



Snipers are really annoying when they should be attacking MCOM stations but instead just sit there doing nothing.

If a film doesn't excel in three areas (dialog, acting, etc) I will NOT rate it above a 7.



If that's how you play, awesome, but most snipers don't play like you. So no, I want less people sniping. I was in a game last night with about 12 players on our team and 6 were sniping. Another three team mates kept on driving around in tanks without going for the objectives, so I was left with two team mates who did move out but we kept on getting killed because there was no way we could push through defenses when 9 other players are doing pretty much nothing but waiting for kills. The entire enemy team had simply converged around the MCOM stations. I did manage to plant charges several times and destroyed four stations (two of them using C4 to destroy the building, using Recon with a Thompson), but my team mates were just sitting there. I ended up getting killed the whole time because nobody was backing me up. Near the end of the game, an enemy had actually stolen one of our tanks resulting in the opposing team raping us. You'd think the snipers would mortar the hell out of them, but no, I had to switch to Engineer because none of my team mates were smart enough to use their explosives...

If a film doesn't excel in three areas (dialog, acting, etc) I will NOT rate it above a 7.




During the first week after the game came out, I played a game with four snipers and a medic lined up on a ridge. I wasn't trying to flank them, I just kind of stumbled onto the first one, then another, and so on. Knifed 'em all. Good times.


I know the feeling. Most of your team doing fk all, either sniping or driving around nowhere near mcomms.


I agree, it's pretty frustrating.

We'll be on assault and I'm the only one going for the mcomm stations. Everyone else is sniping. They aren't even covering my assult most times. Meanwhile, the enemy, who is on defense, is flanking us and killing us at spawn.

The way I see it is, there are objectives in the games, either work towards them or go away.

Recon on offense should get kicked after an x mount of time without any combat.

Anyways, some maps are worse than others to rush so it's imparative that everyone is trying to push.


flank them, feels soooo goood


Flanking them is always funny.Serves them lol


I killed five snipers the other day by flanking them.

they were all camping out on the top of the high hills over looking the town, i trekked up with a xm8-p assualt, and as they were all looking to the bridge i tapped the fire button on each and in one cartridge got them all......felt amazing



Me and a friend of mine flanked about 6 snipers on Arica Harbour.
We'd just lost the Border Control MCOM stations so fell back to the town and the enemy snipers holed up on the hillside overlooking the town, picking our team apart left and right.
My friend and I ran to the very bottom of the town by the waterfront and made our way over the hills to their positions and landed ourselves behind them. We didn't pull our weapons up though, instead we went for their dogtags just to let them know their sniping days were over. I think I finished the match with about 13 tags because they just came back to the spot over and over.

More information on this signature is available on IMDbPro.


Snipers are easy to kill. If you get killed by a sniper, when it shows you the person who killed you, try to recognize their location. They usually stay at the same spot and you can get them back when you respawn. They're also important to have on your squad, if they use them correctly. When I'm a sniper, I mostly try to scope out enemy snipers.

