Snipers in Rush

They ruin multiplayer

On defense - Snipe away, but please cover the mcomm stations also.

On offense - why are you sniping? You shouldn't even be sniping, but if you must, at least cover the 1-2 people actually making an effort to assault.

Multiplayer is based on objectives. Nobody cares about your kill to death ratio. If you are being useless, you should be booted from game.

I think I dislike these people more than those who roll saiga/usas12 and hop about or those who camp with machine guns.

Also, if you are going to mortar strike, do it on the mcomm stations after your teamates have set the charge, do NOT mortar strike the foiliage/trees in before or around the enemy base because this hurts your teamates change to advance.

Anywho I just picked this game up recently and really enjoy it, well the multiplayer at least. I can see why people are still playing it 5 years later.
