Roger Ebert says...

"The worst Oscar show I've seen, and I go back a way. Some great winners, a nice distribution of awards, but the show was Dead. In. The. Water."

Reality is a crutch for people who can't handle drugs



It's missing a host who knows how to host, they need Billy Crystal, Steve Martin and Whoopie Goldberg, those three and only those three should be allowed to host.

Are you watching closely?



I'd have rather had Chris Rock host again. Anyone who can get Sean Penn's panties in a bunch is worthy of another shot.



Jon Stewart does a good job when he hosts.


He's right. The winners were all accurarely predicted; there were no "curveballs" this year. The show really could have used Ricky Gervais or Dave Chapelle to liven things up.

Worst of all were the "techie" awards awarded at the start of the show. No disrespect to the hardworking "behind the scenes" craftspeople, but please most of us just want to see:

the dresses
acting awards

The show at 3 hours is just toooooooo long!!!


My vote is for Ricky Gervais. Even the speeches were awful, especially Colin Firth's. I think they should take back his Oscar for being so unprepared.


I thought the Bob Hope hologram (well, it was 2D so maybe it is an avatar more than a hologram?) would have been a better host for this than Hathaway and Franco.

Get anyone else really...Robert Downy Jr would be great, even Russell Brand. It isn't that great when you have people hosting that aren't comedy actors. I think the show it so serious with it comes to acting, that having fun guy or girl hosts make it more appealing to watch.

Even Luke Matheny, who won for his short film, God of Love was more animated and more pleasurable to watch than the hosts. Get him for the next Oscars. He'd probably love it.


Scarlet said:

"Even Luke Matheny, who won for his short film, God of Love was more animated and more pleasurable to watch than the hosts. Get him for the next Oscars. He'd probably love it."

I agree. This year's "Napolean Dynamite" cracked me up when he mentioned his mom did the Kraft's service. And who could resist his crazy hair? LMAO!!!


I like your suggestion of Robert Downey Jr. I was thinking that today, especially since his presenting during the Oscars were funny. I think he would do a good job.


Sort of funny, since the man doesn't talk anymore. Just a little joke there. I love the guy. Was this a tweet or did he say anymore?


It was a Facebook thing.

He does have more: ARS/110229986

And he's been lacing into Franco all day on tweets.

Reality is a crutch for people who can't handle drugs


"Forgive did Chris Rock get Sean Penn's panties in a bunch? I would like to hear this."

When Chris Rock hosted back in '05, he made a joke about Jude Law being in so many movies from 2004, basically saying that if the producers couldn't find anyone else besides him for the role, they should wait to make the movie. He turned the joke on himself halfway through, as well as a couple other celebrities. Sean Penn, being Sean Penn, was one of the presenters that year. He took the opportunity to tell Chris Rock off for "insulting" Jude Law, saying how talented he was, and inferring that Rock was a moron. Sean Penn gets his panties into a bunch about almost anything it seems.


I think Chris Rock was saying there were so many movies that year with Jude Law, then asked "Who the hell is Jude Law??" Penn took it too seriously.


I hate to say it, but Bob Hope's image had more life than Franco and Hathaway. Obviously, in the rehearsals, everyone must of thought that what they were doing was going to be funny; however, like most SNL sketches, it just dies on the floor. Hathaway obviously realized that they were dying so she put in extra adrenaline and big smiles to try to save things. It was painful to watch.



I agree with him, the show was terrible and especially James Franco as a host.


Rojer Ebert says:

"The worst Oscar show I've seen, and I go back a way. Some great winners, a nice distribution of awards, but the show was Dead. In. The. Water."

