What makes a good awards ceremony?

This year's was kind of boring so I was wondering what makes an award ceremony good? The host? The jokes?



Let me tell you what would make next year's Oscar ceremony fantastic, even though odds of this suggestion are slim...

...two words...

Ricky Gervais.



My God.. I thought it was pretty horrible as well :-s I cringed so many times. Ugh!
I don't know what makes a good show? I mean, yes the host is important. So are the jokes. But also the timing, you know --deliver the jokes on time and in a way that's funny I guess. Unfortunately, I didn't see any of these qualities this year :(

I thought Hugh Jackman was very very great. I didn't like "sitting on Frank's lap" - I probably didn't get it? But he really was great. He was full of energy! All the dancing and singing.. it was all great fun. I liked the "Musical" theme.

Btw, what was this year's theme??


excitement, with many of the winners decided since the nominations were announced tgere's no point in watching this.


These are what makes a good awards show.

1. The host(s)
2. I would eliminate the singing of nominated songs. This would remove a good 15 minutes from the ceremony right there. Just play short clips of the nominated songs instead right when the presenter in listing the nominations.
3. I would eliminate the highlights of the Technical Awards that were held earlier.
4. I would eliminate long explanations of what an award category is. People who are watching this likely already knows what Visual Effects is or what Editing is.
5. I would eliminate the "In Memoriam" segment. Sure it's nice to reflect on stars we've lost, but they exclude lots of people and it brings down the mood overall of the show.
6. I would eliminate any long opening monologue or anything similar. Within 5 minutes of the beginning of the show the first Oscar should be given out.
7. Eliminate any sort of film montages.
8. Eliminate any sort of on stage presentation that just shows a group of people that are connected. Such as "These are the past Supporting Actor winners from the past or the last surviving cast members of "some important film".

By doing these things I think the show would be improved and shortened by perhaps an hour or so.


This is what would make a wonderful awards show:

Are you ready?




The Oscars will never be good. It's too stodgy an affair seeped in manufactured respect and weighed down by trying to be meaningful and loyal to the golden age of Hollywood. What you want is an environment more akin to a celebrity roast. Even when they have a good host, you almost never see the host so i'm not sure what the point even is. The host is given a monologue of some sort. Why? Is this fantasy Dave Letterman night? The Oscars should always open with a show. Some broadway or an action stunt spectacular or whatever. It should reflect the nominated movies of the year. So the host does their thing, and then you don't see them for 30 minutes, then they pop out for 30 seconds here and there and are just awkward and in the way. I want to see a LOT of the host. I want to see the host after every commercial break. I want to see the host between awards when they do two or three at once. I want the host to introduce ever presenter, but not before dishing out a quick two or three jokes. I don't want to see ANY pre-produced bits. They never work. And I want to see a show stopping finale before the best picture is dished out. And no more showing endless minutes of footage of the movies and actors when awards are being introduced. 5 second clip tops.

"I said no camels, that's five camels, can't you count?"
