Billy Crystal to host!!!

He is such a natural host and terrifically funny!!! End the boring Oscars by getting Billy Crystal to host!!


I think a petition should be started to have him host. He's a fantastic host.


"If it ain't broke don't fix it- bring him back! " well said Win-14!!! Yes! Robin Williams will be terrific too! They must bring the seasoned comedy actors (not Chris Rock r Adam Sandler or something daft; I mean the legend comedians)!


You mean again. He's done it 8 times already.


If it ain't broke don't fix it- bring him back!


I found him boring after the first few times. Let Gary Busey host. It won't be boring. Somebody might get bit.


Yes, thank god he came on to rescue the show, after it was all but destroyed by the ridiculous anne hathaway and the terminally bored james franco. they would be mor suited to hosting the teen awards. Alec Baldwin would be a decent host again, or Robin Williams. In fact Billy Crystal and Robin Williams to co host would be superb


You made me laugh out loud. Yes Gary Busey!


He doesn't want to do it though.


It was very funny when he came on.

They need to find one person who can do it all the time and make it funny and enjoyable.

Gosh it was so boring.


How about Charlie Sheen? He's invincible and available.


He's always been my favorite! Though Hugh Jackman did well
