
Was the Helga (Amanda Plummer) character truly Simon's (Kevin Zegers) mother as he claims to the apartment super, the police officer and his "girlfriend" (Rachel Leigh Cook). And what was the real reason behind all the white balloons attached to her? I think I missed something (perhaps a lot) along that plot line. I'd be happy to hear from anyone with any true insights into this film's themes and message.

I enjoyed the film overall. Some of the slower, plaintive interludes were not my favorite, but overall it dealt with quite a few themes to think about. I particularly liked the soundtrack, even when the accompanying overlong scenes were fraying my patience.


I'm pretty sure that she is his mother. We have no reason to suspect that he was lying about her or her wandering. The balloons, according to him, were to keep her from wandering out of the door -- a safety device due to dementia. I think they represent his brilliant madness. This guy is very smart, and the balloon contraption was a genius idea. The problem is that no normal person would follow through with that idea. It's too much of an inconvenience and borders on abuse. If you can't look after your mother, then find a nice nursing home for her.
