To Mark Hartley,

(I also posted this message on Mark's IMDB page, but included it here as well in case it gets overlooked there).

Hi Mark,

If you read this, I just wanted to let you know that I think you're the right guy to pay proper homage and tribute to the amazing movie making accomplishments of Golan and Globus. I just recently bought and watched the Machete Maidens Unleashed documentary and I think that you did a brilliant job. It was a superb documentary, and considering you had time limitations, you still delivered a final product that is superb and very much satisfies a B-Movie fan who wants to learn more about film history that has no properly been documented.

Please consider doing the Golan/Globus documentary, it'll complete the best trilogy of docos on film that has every been done. You are the right man for the job and this is the right time for the Golan Globus doco to be made. Considering Machete Maidens only took you 8 months, this one shouldn't take you that long either. I think the art of cinema needs a Golan/Globus doco made by the right people more than it needs another remake. Once you did the doco, you could move onto other projects but please consider completing your trilogy of docos before you do move on to making feature movies.

Please please consider doing the Golan Globus doco, you are the right man and this is the right time for it. There would be an international market for it too since Golan Globus was very popular in Europe as well as USA and Australia.

You're the man for the job Mark Hartley, please please consider it! :-)

All the best,

A loyal fan from Australia.

