new season?

does anyone know if they are gonna make a new season or new spin off?
if not they left it pretty open, but they have made quite a lot out of the ben 10 thing now... so i duno if they will make a new one or not


It was the season finale not series finale .
It should be interesting .


More likely a second season. There's no way a new series can be made already this early, especially after one season.


i think season 2 is coming.
my guess is that aggrecor (sorry for spelling) guy will show up again.


There should be a storyline where there is a rogue legion of plumbers wanting to wipe out Osmosians. The ones we've seen other than Kevin's dad have proven to be quite dangerous. Kevin can still be kind of a jerk, arrogant, does steal (even from allies) and when he absorbed the power of the ultimatrix he went crazy and tried to kill everyone and possibly succeeded in some cases considering what he was about to do to the fire guy in the finale. It was stated he had already defeated the other kids (they were probably brought back like the Andromeda aliens that Aggregor killed). So one villain and one of the good guys become hellbent on trying to gain absolute power and nearly succeeding. I'd say that would merit some fears and I could see some of them trying to get revenge. Hell even Ben who is Kevin's best friend tried to kill him after believing he was too much of a threat, how would others perceive him? Not saying that it is rational, however fear often does cause people to do irrational things, especially when it comes to self-preservation.


I like to see Kevin help repair Gwens parents house and saying He is sorry.


Supposedly the new season starts February 4.


I noticed they stopped in April after only 12 episodes.

I hoped this isn't because of the passing of Dwayne Mcduffie. He was an incredibly talented writer that really made the franchise special and enjoyable, but it would be just a shame if losing him meant also losing this show. I think it would also be a shame if they selected someone of lower caliber to fill his shoes.

I hope they figure something out soon though. The longer they hold off on producing new episodes, the more difficult it will be to reignite audience interest.
