English cast

I'm confused. All of the main actors are British (with the exception of Texas Battle), yet they make a big point out of Angel and Stanton being the "English ones." And if the gay guy wasn't supposed to be British, it's a bit odd that he said "bloody hell" and refer to his flashlight as a torch.


You say you're confused but realy you're just being a "smartarse".


Urm, sort of, yeah, you're right.
But legitimate question: was there a reason they didn't just set it in England? Was there supposed to be more to the location originally or something similar that would make it crucial to the plot to set it in America (I'm assuming that's where it was supposed to be set, I might be wrong) and have two characters specifically be English? It does seem like there might have been more to the story originally, especially because the ending was so abrupt.


Yeah, there really wasn't any point in making the actors American. They have reality television in the U.K. So what's the point of making them American? I got confused cuz I'm familiar with some of those U.K. actors and them speaking in another language seemed off.


You do realise that there are English people in the USA right? Just sayin'


I think that maybe it was set in America because we don't have prisons like that in the UK. Our prisons aren't as dramatic on screen so maybe that's why.

I agree that there was no point in making them sound American though. It is completely reasonable to have English contestants on an American TV show.

I love Sam Stockman, but I really wasn't a fan of his accent. The same with most of the others. I've watched most of them on TV for years and I found the accents thing very odd.


yeah you are right, but Texas Battle is not the only American of the cast.
The crazy clown boy (the host of the reality show) was played by Jonas Talkington (the only actor with an extreme funky voice type) is an American too, who just live and work in Bulgaria.
