Avoid this movie

Just avoid this movie, it was so boring.


100% fact. I saw this on SYFY and was bored. But it is my own fault for being a horror movie lover. I love the horror genre to death. I'll watch a horror flick for 10 minutes, know it's going to suck, but still keep watching it to the end. I am too addicted to this genre. I'm just glad I didn't pay to see this garbage.


It wasn't the worst I've seen from the genre, but it was far, far from being anything good. Acting was OK (the fake US accents were mostly awful though), the clown in the video was creepy as f-ck and I will admit I didn't see the twist ending coming with Connie being "punked" by most of the cast.

The last part of the movie just killed it for me though. What a lame way to wrap up the film. Kill of everyone in such a lame manner simultaneously and have the warden magically lock all the doors. I mean, the fake deaths were pretty crappy, but the real ones were even worse.

But saying all of this, the film wasn't a pain to sit through. I just think that it had potential but was let down by mediocre acting, poor deaths and a poor execution.


I actually kind of liked it though I was watching it on my laptop alone in my room at around midnight so that might have added to the experience


The only interesting thing about this film is how it insulted its target audience twice: first by pulling out the old "it's all just a big in-joke" card than by trumping it with the "OR IS IT???' card, not realising for a second that their target audience don't live at the bottom of a pond...

You stay classy, San Diego.... I'm Ron Burgundy?


You would think by now that people have learned that posts like this are nothing but troll bait. Just because you do not like a movie does not mean the rest of the world will not like it. Personally, I found the movie to be quite good. The double-twist ending was quote interesting and overall I found the movie to be well made. That is not to say that there are some deficiencies in the plot and effects, but it wasn't horrible and boring as you claim.
