Cute Movie

The only thing I disliked is how they used the same coloring and font that they use for the 'Despicable Me' movies, lol. I know it's silly of me to care, but I do. Those are great movies and this does look humorous to me, but still... :) 'Despicable Me' is 'Despicable Me', 'Free Birds' is not.

Anyway, I do think this will be good. I see a lot of bashing on here already for it, so I thought I'd give my two cents. It'll be cute at the least, and good for kids.



I'm sorry... why would you think that? I was born and raised in Iowa... which in case you don't know, is in the United States of America.

What's wrong with what I said? I just said it was probably going to be a cute movie and compared the font to 'Despicable Me.' Not sure why the reply was like that...



Probably because she isn't batsh*t insane like the writer of that Iran-Reese-Kennex comment and anyone who thinks it was remotely relevant or appropriate.


Please don't feed the trolls.


Indeed, it is a cute movie. There were moments where I laughed (the moment where Reggie kisses Jenny as STEVE takes off, only for him to comment "Oh My" had me rolling). It was also well animated, and I think the voice work was solid. I have to agree, anyone who took this seriously needs to rethink what they thought they were seeing when the movie is about talking turkeys.

That said, I do think it's funny that there are "goofs" in a movie where not only turkeys talk, but they are able to use time machines. Sometimes people take things far more seriously than they should. This is just a fun little movie, nothing more.



Movie started off well. Was funny and interesting... in the beginning.

But then something happened. Just if there were two writers and the other one took over at some point. And this other (writer) one was bad...



I thought it was a cute and funny movie, too. Those baby chicks were adorable!

People tend to take movies too seriously nowadays. There's nothing wrong with enjoying a movie without having to think about "the deeper meaning" behind it. People need to relax!


"Could you please get your head out of your ass? It's not a hat!" - Pitch Perfect


turkeys get fed up with being the main course so they some how find a time machine that looks like an egg and then swap their necks for pizza..

who ever takes this movie seriously is frankly beyond retarded.


Agreed. Its a sad state of affairs that there are posts on here complaining that the postcards depicting Christmas and Easter were not Christian enough. Another one handwringing and accusing the turkeys, animated talking, time traveling turkeys, of "cultural appropriation". 

The same poster also notes with distress that one of the turkeys seemed Mexican.

And of course the trying to link the movie with PETA.

I like to blow bubbles in my milk...while it's still in the cow.  -AHW
alas, Cin & Lilith2x4


Seriously. I just watched with my 2 year old Grandson and I think this movie is awesomely ridiculous! How on earth are these people making all these connections? Like it or don't, but looking for all this deeper hidden meaning is just silly.
