MovieChat Forums > The Chicago Code (2011) Discussion > Chicago Code being Cancelled

Chicago Code being Cancelled

I really hope that what everyone is saying about this show being canceled is true. Being from Chicago, this show is almost insulting. The entire cast is absolutely awful. No time was taken to actually speak with our dialect, instead we are stuck with a strange New York/Boston hybrid. The show is just ridiculous. Good Riddance

It's Kinda Hot In These Rhinos


There is nothing wrong with this show. Its clear that somethings aren't real but this show is decent and I for one, am finally happy that they are doing shows in Chicago.

"The last man that told me to sit down was your mother"

"Death to the opposition"



Oh no! The television depiction of Chicago isn't perfect! It's almost like this ISN'T some sort of documentary of the city. Next you'll be telling me the people on the show are actors and that no one outside of the city of Chicago really cares about Chicago...


I live in Chicago (not from here) but had no idea Chicagoans were this friggin picky. First of all in a City as diverse as Chicago there is not one way people speak. They do well enough. I will give this show credit for showing the arrogance of Chicagoans in that one scene when Caleb said he grew up from the north side and the nurse said "Prove it" and gave him a test. Seriously only a Chicago person would do something like that.


Why? This show is very good. Poor Shawn Ryan.

I'm a "Winner"


Go back to Niles OP.


Heh, yeah, I'm from Chicago. Grew up in Chicago. Moved away to Boston for about 4 1/2 years for a job and came back and I saved eps of the show (I'm only on ep 5 now) and a friend of mine asked if I'd watched it yet and said it was good. So I finally started watching it and thought right off, it IS good. I hadn't remembered seeing Jason Clarke before and thought he might be a local Chicago actor but found out he's Australian and the first thing I thought was, "Man, he got the Chicago accent pretty damn good and definitely has the Chicago swagger down." It is a diverse city, but the type of character like Jarek Wysocki DOES exist in Chicago and is pretty unique to this city. All the characters, although they may be stylized a bit, they're not THAT over the top. If you think they are, you haven't lived here very long. :-) I went to school with people like almost every single character on the show. My next door neighbor was an extra in "My Bodyguard" with Jennifer Beals. Any city you live in for an extended period of time, you'll eventually meet, what I like to call, "the human cartoons." They are caricatures of the city. I like those people, for the most part. They are surprising, colorful and ring true. Examples of the Boston ones would be in the movie "The Fighter."

And by the way, I LOVE the theme song. Gotta find it.


Have you seen Detroit 1-8-7?!, be thankful you have Chicago Code.

sorry, I tuned you out


this show is great.

i'm stick with memphis beat,THAT is a insulting show


I hope it's not being cancelled!


To o.p.:

Wow, and I thought I was picky that Medium is filmed in LA (I live in Phoenix, where Medium was set). But you take the cake; at least The Chicago Code is filmed in Chicago, be grateful for that.

L: I'm talking about a little place called Aspen
H: I don't know Lloyd, the french are a ssholes


They still haven't decided if they're canceling yet because the ratings go up every week. I also am a Chicagoan. Yes, they need to work on the accents, but I love the show and I hope they give it some time.


I've been enjoying this show and I hope it DOESN'T get cancelled! I only watch 4 shows religiously (Chicago Code is included). Dexter is one of them and it's only on 2 1/2 months out of the year! I would hate to see The Chicago Code go.
