Wysocki and his family...

So I just started watching the show (just finished up the last nine episodes today) and I know this is a cop show, but does anyone else find it strange that we barely see any interaction between Jereck and his son? I have no clue what their relationship even is, you know? I like the show and REALLY love the cast, but I found that extremely weird.


They are letting us in on the characters' personal lives little by little juuuuust enough to give us enough background to know what makes them tick. The show is still finding itself, I think. I'm more interested in Jarek's young fiance and wife on the side deal. Also would like to see what Gibbons' deal is with his family...haven't seen anything on him yet besides a flashback of his childhood family.


Oh Jarek should be having a family dinner sometime soon.


Little by little is fine, but he seems to have little to no interest in his son, or at least that's the way I've read their relationship so far. He never even bring him up at work to Vonda or Teresa. LOL.


Wysocki lives for the job and his family is secondary.

Though it looks like his family will make a big (and sudden) return in the next episode, based on the previews.


He's a douchebag.


We don't see any of the rest of his family, either, which is completely unbelievable for a Chicago Polish-American family -- not his grandma making babka and pierogi for Easter, not his cousins, and none of his aunts or uncles. Why is this character supposed to be credible when we know next to nothing about him or where he came from??? Take that part away, and he might as well be a cop in L.A. or Podunk, Iowa. Chicago is known for its many ethnic neighborhoods; it's about time we saw some, if only the one in which Jarek grew up -- which, if he's a South Sider and Polish, ought to be either Brighton Park or Gage Park, although it might have been Bridgeport on the off chance he had Irish neighbors. Or, for that matter, he could have grown up in Garfield Ridge, way southwest, where a lot of cops, firemen and other city workers live close to the city limits. Lots of Poles there, too. Instead, we don't even know if he still lives in the old neighborhood or moved up north to be hip. What good is *that*??!


The name of the show is not "The Wysocki family."


It might as well be, since we see Wysocki, his brother, his niece, his ex wife, his ex girlfriend.. Why is it we see so much more of WYSOCKI's family than we do of Teresa's, who we know only has a jerk sister and and jerk/criminal brother in law, that we have seen only once.

Save the earth...it's the only planet with chocolate!
